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Heads Will Roll

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Dom Yates (UK) - July 2011
Thriller / Heads Will Roll (Glee Cast Version) - Glee Cast : (CD: Glee, The Music, Vol 5)
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32 Count Intro (On Vocals)

[1-8] : Step Pivot ¼, Cross ½, Side Hold, Side Rock
1,2Step forward on right, pivot ¼ left
3,4Cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping back on left
5,6Make ¼ turn right stepping right to side, hold
&7,8Step left next to right, rock right out to side, recover onto left

[9-16] : Cross Side, Sailor Kick, Cross ¼, Forward Rock
1,2Cross right over left, step left to side
3&4Cross right behind left, step left next to right, kick right to diagonal
&5,6Step down on right, cross left over right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
7,8Rock forward on left, recover onto right

[17-24] : Touch ½, Pivot ½, Out Out Side Shuffle (With Thriller Arms)
1,2Touch left toe back, pivot ½ turn left
3,4Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
5,6Step right out to side, step left out to side
7&8Step right to side, slide left up to right, step right to side
Arms: During counts 5-8 put both arms up thriller style in direction of movement

[25-32] : Syncopated Jazz Box, Syncopated Monteray Turns
1,2Cross left over right, step back on right
&3,4Step left to side, cross right over left, point left to side
5,6Make ½ turn left stepping left next to right, point right to side
&7,8Step right next to left, point left to side, make ¼ turn left stepping left next to right

[33-40] : Side Rock, Weave, Side Rock, Weave ¼
1,2Rock right out to side, recover onto left
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
5,6Rock left out to side, recover onto right
7&8Cross left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, step forward left

[41-48] : Hip Roll ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward, x2
1,2Step forward on right rolling hips anticlockwise, making a ½ turn to left (weight ends on right)
3&4Step forward on left, slide right up to left, step forward on left
5,6Step forward on right rolling hips anticlockwise, making a ½ turn to left (weight ends on right)
7&8Step forward on left, slide right up to left, step forward on left

[49-56] : Forward Rock, Coaster Step, Pivot ¼, Cross Side
1,2Rock forward on right, recover onto left
3&4Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
5,6Step forward on left, pivot ¼ turn right
7,8Cross left over right, step right to side

[57-64] : Behind ¼, Forward Rock, Full Turn, Coaster Step
1,2Cross left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
3,4Rock forward on left, recover onto right
5,6Make ½ turn left stepping forward on left, make ½ turn left stepping back on right
7&8Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left

Start Again

Note: At the end of wall 5, the music will fade off, and then appear to stop completely. Keep dancing, and the music will come back on count 17 (touch back)
Optional Extra: On wall 3, he sings “You hear the door slam” along with accompanying slam of door in the first eight counts. The door slam sound effect comes on count 8, recovering onto the left. Instead of a normal rock recover for 7,8, try lifting the left up during the rock, and stomp it back down to the music ;-)

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