CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bottle of Red

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Easy Intermediate
Wendy Hughes (AUS) - September 2011
Drink Myself Single - Sunny Sweeney : (Album: Concrete)
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Out Out, In In, Toe Heel, Toe ¼ R Kick R, Rock Back / Replace
&1&2Step R forward on R 45, Step L forward on L 45, Step R back to Centre, Step L back to Centre
3-4Touch R toe in L instep with L swiveled, Touch R heel on R 45 with L swiveled
5-6Touch R toe in L instep with L swiveled, ¼ turn R Kick R forward
7-8Rock back on R, Replace weight on L

Shuffle R, Shuffle L, Two 1/4 Paddle Turns L
1&2Step forward on R, Step L together, Step forward on R
3&4Step forward on L, Step R together, Step forward on L
5-6-7-8Step forward on R, ¼ turn L Pivot/Paddle weight on L, Repeat

Kick Step, Kick Step, Kick & Out, Knee, Knee
1-2-3-4Kick R across L, Step forward on R, Kick L across R, Step forward L (Travelling Forward)
5&6Kick R across L, Step R to R side, Step L to L side (Feet Apart: Weight Even)
7-8Elvis R knee in transfer weight on L, Elvis L knee in leaving weight on L

Shuffle Side, Rock Replace, Side Behind & Cross Step ¼ turn L
1&2Step R to R side, Step L together, Step R to R side
3-4Rock back on L, Replace weight on R
5-6&Step L to L side, Step R behind L, Step L to L side
7-8Cross R over L, ¼ turn L step forward on L***

Rocking Chair, Full turn L, Step To R Hold
1-2-3-4Rock forward on R, Replace weight on L, Rock back on R, Replace weight on L*
5-6½ turn L step R back, ½ turn L step L forward
7-8Step R to R side, Hold (Feet Apart: Weight Even)

Slow Hip Rolls, Rocking Chair
1-2Roll hips around Anti-Clockwise from L to R
3-4Roll hips around Anti-Clockwise from L to R (Putting weight on L) **
5-6-7-8Rock forward on R, Replace weight on L, Rock back on R, Replace weight on L

Restarts *Wall 3 & 5 - Restart on Count 36
**Wall 6- Leave the last 4 counts of the dance
***Wall 7 - Restart on Count 32

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