CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Runaway Girl

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Maxwell (DE) - September 2011
Walking Shoes - Tanya Tucker
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Dance starts after word " I' m Gonna " - the tag at the end of the instrumental part - after wall 7

Alt. Music: I'm Going To Be A Country Girl Again by Billy Jo Spears: Dance starts after 16 counts - the tag after wall 6

Heel 2x, Touch Back, Hold , Step, Lock, Step, Hold
1 -- 2Touch right heel twice in front
3 -- 4Touch right toe back - Hold
5 -- 6Step forward on right - Cross left behind right foot
7 -- 8Step forward on right - Hold

Step, Pivot 1/4 Right, Cross, Hold, Side, Back, Cross, Hold
1 -- 2Step forward on left - 1/4 turn right on both balls ( 3 )
3 -- 4Cross left foot over right - Hold
5 -- 6Step right foot to right - Step back on left
7 -- 8Cross right foot over left - Hold

Side, Pivot 1/4 Right, Step, Hold, 3 Steps Stomping Forward, Hold
1 -- 2Step left foot to left - 1/4 turn right on both balls ( 6 )
3 -- 4Step forward on left - Hold
5 -- 83 stomping steps forward on right - left and right - Hold

Rock Forward, Step 1/4 Turn Left, Hold, Monterey 1/2 Right,
1 -- 2Step forward on left - Recover on right foot
3 -- 41/4 turn left with step left foot to left - Hold
5Point right toe to right -
61/2 turn right and close right foot next to left ( 9 )
7 -- 8Point left toe to left - Close left foot next to right ( weight is on left )


Tag Walking Shoes : after wall 7 - Knee pops
1 -- 4Step right foot to right and bend left - right - left and right knee inside

Tag I'm Going To Be ..... Heel Strut Forward R + L, Toe Strut Back R + L
1 -- 2Step forward on right, set just the heel - Set down right toe
3 -- 4Step forward on left, set just the heel - Set down left toe
5 -- 6Step back on right, set just the toe - Set down right heel
7 -- 8Step back on left, set just the toe - Set down left heel
Hip bumps
1 -- 4Swing your hip to right - left - right and left side ( weight is on left )

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