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You're The Devil

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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Tina Schärer - July 2009
Devil In Disguise - Elvis Presley
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A-section is always danced against front wall(12.00) to the slow part off the music.
B-section is danced against the back wall(06.00) ,except the last wall which is danced at the front wall
8 count Intro - Sequence: A B A B A B B

A: 32 counts
Lunge R, Coaster step R, Lounge L, Coaster step L
1-2Step R diagonal forward, recover L
3&4Step R back, step L next to Right, step R forward
5-6Step L diagonal forward, recover R
7&8Step L back, step R next to L, step L forward

Prissy walk R L, Step ½ L turn step, Hold
1-2-3-4Cross walk R in front of Left, hold, cross walk L in front of R, hold
5-6-7-8Step R forward, ½ turn L, step R forward, hold

Step lock step L, Hold, ¼ L turn side rock cross, Hold
1-2-3-4Step L forward, lock R behind L, Step L forward, hold
5-6-7-8¼ turn L rock R to R side, recover L, cross R in front of L, hold

Wine ¼ turn L, Hold, Cross, Hold, Unwind ½ L, Hold
1-2-3-4Step L to L side, cross R behind L, ¼ turn L by stepping L forward, hold
5-6-7-8Cross R in front of L, hold, unwind ½ turn L (weight on L), hold

B: 48 counts
Shuffle R, step ¼ turn R, Cross shuffle, 2x ¼ turn L
1&2Step R forward, step L next to right, step R forward
3-4Step L forward, ¼ turn R
5&6Cross L in front of R, step R to R side, cross L in front of R
7-8¼ turn L stepping R back, ¼ turn L stepping L forward

Cross shuffle, Point cross x2, ¼ turn R, Coaster step R
1&2Cross R in front of L, step L to L side, cross R in front of L
3-4Point L to L side, cross L in front of R
5-6Point R to R side, Cross R in front of left
7¼ turn R stepping L back
8&1Step R back, step L next to Right, step R forward

Rock fw L, Back step lock step, Back rock R, Shuffle ½ turn L
2-3Rock L forward, recover R
4&5Step back L, lock R in front of L, step back L
6-7Rock R back, recover L
8&11/4 turn L stepping R to R side, step L next to R, ¼ turn L stepping R back

¼ turn L, Cross Kick x3
2¼ turn L stepping L to L side
3-4Cross R in front of L, Kick L to L side
5-6Cross L in front of R, kick R to R side
7-8Cross R behind L, kick l to L side

Cross L, Unwind 1/4 turn R, Back rock R, Shuffle 1/2 turn L, Back rock L
1-2Cross L in front of R, unwind ¼ turn R (weight on L)
3-4Rock R back, recover L
5&61/4 turn L stepping R to R side, step L next to R, ¼ turn L stepping R back
7-8Rock L back, recover R

Kick ball cross x2, Hold, Unwind ½ turn L
1&2Kick L forward, step L ball next to R, cross R in front of L
3&4Kick L forward, step L ball next to R, cross R in front of L
5-6-7-8hold and bend the knees slightly(5), unwind ½ turn L(6-7-8) straightening knees (weight on L)

Ending: Dance section B till count 27( cross R in front of L), 28-29 bounce ¼ turn L

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