Choreographers note: Dedicated to our good buddy Knox Rhine, world class choreographer!
32 count intro.
Heel Splits x2
1-2-3-4Heel: Apart, Together, Apart, Together
5-6-7-8Heel: Apart, Together, Apart, Together
Hip Bumps, Hip Swings
1-2Bump right hip to the right twice
3-4Bump left hip to the left twice
5-6-7-8Swing hips right, left, right, left
Stomp x2, Hand Brush x2, Clap x2, Snap Fingers x2
1-2Stomp right foot beside left foot twice
3-4Brush/slap both hands (palms) back and across hips. Brush/slap both hands (palms) forward across hips
5-6Clap hands twice at chest level
7-8Snap fingers of right hand in the air at right shoulder level. Snap fingers of left hand in the air at left shoulder level.
Stomp x2, Hand Brush x2, Clap x2, Arm Pump's x2
1-2Stomp right foot beside left foot twice
3-4Brush/slap both hands (palms) back and across hips. Brush/slap both hands (palms) forward across hips
5-6Clap hands twice at chest level
7-8Make a fist with both hands and pump arms in an up and down motion twice at chest level
Toe Fans (keep both feet slightly apart)
1-2-3-4Fan right toe out in, out in
5-6-7-8Fan left toe out in, out in
32 count intro.
Heel Splits x2
1-2-3-4Heel: Apart, Together, Apart, Together
5-6-7-8Heel: Apart, Together, Apart, Together
Hip Bumps, Hip Swings
1-2Bump right hip to the right twice
3-4Bump left hip to the left twice
5-6-7-8Swing hips right, left, right, left
Stomp x2, Hand Brush x2, Clap x2, Snap Fingers x2
1-2Stomp right foot beside left foot twice
3-4Brush/slap both hands (palms) back and across hips. Brush/slap both hands (palms) forward across hips
5-6Clap hands twice at chest level
7-8Snap fingers of right hand in the air at right shoulder level. Snap fingers of left hand in the air at left shoulder level.
Stomp x2, Hand Brush x2, Clap x2, Arm Pump's x2
1-2Stomp right foot beside left foot twice
3-4Brush/slap both hands (palms) back and across hips. Brush/slap both hands (palms) forward across hips
5-6Clap hands twice at chest level
7-8Make a fist with both hands and pump arms in an up and down motion twice at chest level
Toe Fans (keep both feet slightly apart)
1-2-3-4Fan right toe out in, out in
5-6-7-8Fan left toe out in, out in