Start the dance on the vocals, 8 counts in (0:03)
(Sequence: 32, 64, 64, 36, 44, 64’s to End).
[1-8] Walk Fwd, Monterey 1/4 Turn, Point, Hitch, Side Shuffle Lt
1,2Step Rt Fwd, Step Lt Fwd
3.4 Point Rt to Rt, Make 1/4 turn Rt stepping Rt next to Lt (in-place - weight Rt) (3:00)
5,6Point Lt to Lt, Hitch Lt Knee next to Rt
7&8Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt to Lt
[9-16] Rock Step, Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Walk Back, Lt Coaster Step
1,2Rock Rt behind Lt, Recover weight Lt
3&4Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Rt back (12:00)
5,6Step Lt back, Step Rt back (You can do a full turn Lt)
7&8Step Lt back, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt Fwd
[17-24] Kick Fwd, Kick Side, Triple in Place, Kick Fwd, Kick Side, Triple 1/4 Turn Lt in Place
1,2Kick (or Touch) Rt foot Fwd, Kick (or Touch) Rt foot to Rt side
3&4Step Rt in place, Step Lt in place, Step Rt in place
5,6Kick (or Touch) Lt foot Fwd, Kick (or Touch) Lt foot to Lt side
7&8Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt in place, Rt in place, Lt in place slightly fwd (9:00)
[25-32] 1/4 Turn - Point Rt to Rt X2, Sailor Step, Point Lt to Lt X2, Sailor Fwd
1,2Make 1/4 turn Lt Touching Rt to Rt (1), Touch Rt to Rt (2), Option: Kick Rt to Rt twice ( (6:00)
3&4Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt to Rt
5,6Touch Lt to Lt twice. Option or Kick Lt to Lt twice
7&8Step Lt Behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt Fwd
* (Restart #1 Facing 6:00)
[33-40] Heel Grinds Fwd, Step, Touch Hitch or (Rock Step), Rt Shuffle Back
1&Step Rt heel Fwd (toe in), Swivel Rt toe out (weight Rt)
2&Step Lt heel Fwd (toe in), Swivel Lt toe out (weight Lt)
3&4Step Rt heel Fwd (toe in), Swivel Rt toe out (weight Rt), Step Lt fwd
* (Restart #2 Facing 12:00)
5,6Touch Rt toe fwd, Hitch Rt knee (Or Rt Rock Step Fwd)
7&8Step Rt back, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt back
[41-48] Full Turn Back Lt, Coaster step, Step Locks Fwd
1,2Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd, Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping Rt back (6:00)
3&4Step Lt back, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt Fwd
* (Restart #3 Facing 6:00)
5&6&Step Rt fwd, Lock Lt behind Rt, Step Rt fwd, Step Lt fwd
7&8Lock Rt behind Lt, Step Lt Fwd, Step Rt fwd
[49-56] Jazz Box 1/4 Turn, Touch, Heel Swivels 1/4 Turn Lt, Lt Sailor Fwd
1,2Step Lt over Rt, Step Rt back
3,4Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd, Step the ball of the Rt foot fwd (3:00)
5&6Making a total of a 1/4 turn Lt - Swivel both heels Rt, Lt , Rt (weight Rt) (12:00)
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt fwd
[57-64] Walk Around 1/2 Turn, Diagonal Step Touches Fwd
1,2,3,4Walk Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt arcing in a half circle to the Lt (6:00)
5&6&Step Rt Diagonal Rt, Touch Lt next to Rt, Step Lt Diagonal Lt, Touch Rt next to Lt
7&8&Step Rt Diagonal Rt, Touch Lt next to Rt, Step Lt Diagonal Lt, Touch Rt next to Lt
Music Available: JHAPS.com
(Sequence: 32, 64, 64, 36, 44, 64’s to End).
[1-8] Walk Fwd, Monterey 1/4 Turn, Point, Hitch, Side Shuffle Lt
1,2Step Rt Fwd, Step Lt Fwd
3.4 Point Rt to Rt, Make 1/4 turn Rt stepping Rt next to Lt (in-place - weight Rt) (3:00)
5,6Point Lt to Lt, Hitch Lt Knee next to Rt
7&8Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt to Lt
[9-16] Rock Step, Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Walk Back, Lt Coaster Step
1,2Rock Rt behind Lt, Recover weight Lt
3&4Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Rt back (12:00)
5,6Step Lt back, Step Rt back (You can do a full turn Lt)
7&8Step Lt back, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt Fwd
[17-24] Kick Fwd, Kick Side, Triple in Place, Kick Fwd, Kick Side, Triple 1/4 Turn Lt in Place
1,2Kick (or Touch) Rt foot Fwd, Kick (or Touch) Rt foot to Rt side
3&4Step Rt in place, Step Lt in place, Step Rt in place
5,6Kick (or Touch) Lt foot Fwd, Kick (or Touch) Lt foot to Lt side
7&8Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt in place, Rt in place, Lt in place slightly fwd (9:00)
[25-32] 1/4 Turn - Point Rt to Rt X2, Sailor Step, Point Lt to Lt X2, Sailor Fwd
1,2Make 1/4 turn Lt Touching Rt to Rt (1), Touch Rt to Rt (2), Option: Kick Rt to Rt twice ( (6:00)
3&4Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt to Rt
5,6Touch Lt to Lt twice. Option or Kick Lt to Lt twice
7&8Step Lt Behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt Fwd
* (Restart #1 Facing 6:00)
[33-40] Heel Grinds Fwd, Step, Touch Hitch or (Rock Step), Rt Shuffle Back
1&Step Rt heel Fwd (toe in), Swivel Rt toe out (weight Rt)
2&Step Lt heel Fwd (toe in), Swivel Lt toe out (weight Lt)
3&4Step Rt heel Fwd (toe in), Swivel Rt toe out (weight Rt), Step Lt fwd
* (Restart #2 Facing 12:00)
5,6Touch Rt toe fwd, Hitch Rt knee (Or Rt Rock Step Fwd)
7&8Step Rt back, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt back
[41-48] Full Turn Back Lt, Coaster step, Step Locks Fwd
1,2Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd, Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping Rt back (6:00)
3&4Step Lt back, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt Fwd
* (Restart #3 Facing 6:00)
5&6&Step Rt fwd, Lock Lt behind Rt, Step Rt fwd, Step Lt fwd
7&8Lock Rt behind Lt, Step Lt Fwd, Step Rt fwd
[49-56] Jazz Box 1/4 Turn, Touch, Heel Swivels 1/4 Turn Lt, Lt Sailor Fwd
1,2Step Lt over Rt, Step Rt back
3,4Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd, Step the ball of the Rt foot fwd (3:00)
5&6Making a total of a 1/4 turn Lt - Swivel both heels Rt, Lt , Rt (weight Rt) (12:00)
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt fwd
[57-64] Walk Around 1/2 Turn, Diagonal Step Touches Fwd
1,2,3,4Walk Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt arcing in a half circle to the Lt (6:00)
5&6&Step Rt Diagonal Rt, Touch Lt next to Rt, Step Lt Diagonal Lt, Touch Rt next to Lt
7&8&Step Rt Diagonal Rt, Touch Lt next to Rt, Step Lt Diagonal Lt, Touch Rt next to Lt
Music Available: JHAPS.com