Intermediate / Advanced
8 count intro
Side. Rock Recover. Turn 1/8th. Step. ½ Step. Step ½ ½ Run Back, Back.
1-2&Step left to left side. Rock right behind left. Recover left.
3Step right forward making 1/8th turn right (1 o'clock)
4&5Step forward left. Pivot ½ turn right. Step forward left. (7 o'clock)
6&7Step forward right. Pivot ½ turn left. Make ½ turn left stepping back right. (Weight right) (7 o'clock)
8&Run back left - right.
Step/Sweep. Sailor ¼ /Sway. Sway. Sway. Cross/Sweep. Cross. Side. Behind. Hitch. ¼ Kick. Step.
1Step left beside right as you sweep right foot from front to back.
2&3Cross right behind left. Step left to left as you straighten up to 6 o'clock. Step right to right as you sway to the right.
4&5Sway to the left. Sway to the right. Cross left over right as you sweep the right from back to front.
6&7Cross step right over left. Step left to left side. Cross step right behind left (angle your body to right diagonal)
8&1Still at the diagonal hitch left up (bend right knee). Make just over ¼ left as you kick left forward (lean back slightly). Step left forward. (3 o'clock) ***
Step. ½ Step. ½ ¼ Cross. Lunge. Recover. Cross. Unwind. Side.
2&3Step forward right. Pivot ½ turn left. Step forward right.
4&5Make ½ turn right stepping back left. Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side. Cross step left over right (6 o'clock)
6-7Lunge right to right side. Recover on left.
8&1Cross step right over left. Unwind a full turn left (finish with weight on left) Step right to right side.
Sweep/ Sailor ½ Cross. Side. Cross. ¼ ½ Rock. Recover. Forward/Prep. Spiral Left.
2&3While sweeping left from front to back- cross step left behind right making ¼ left. Make ¼ left stepping right to right side. Cross step left over right.
&4Step right to right. Cross step left over right.
5-6Make ¼ right stepping right forward. Make ½ right stepping back left.
7&8Rock back on the right. Recover on the left. Step forward right. (Prep)
&On the ball of the right foot, spiral a full turn left. (9 o'clock)
HOLD: On Walls 1 & 2 there will a 2 count hold at the very end of the dance after the spiral. Just touch the left foot forward ready to go into the dance again.
RESTART: ***During Wall 3, after 16 count
Side. Rock Recover. Turn 1/8th. Step. ½ Step. Step ½ ½ Run Back, Back.
1-2&Step left to left side. Rock right behind left. Recover left.
3Step right forward making 1/8th turn right (1 o'clock)
4&5Step forward left. Pivot ½ turn right. Step forward left. (7 o'clock)
6&7Step forward right. Pivot ½ turn left. Make ½ turn left stepping back right. (Weight right) (7 o'clock)
8&Run back left - right.
Step/Sweep. Sailor ¼ /Sway. Sway. Sway. Cross/Sweep. Cross. Side. Behind. Hitch. ¼ Kick. Step.
1Step left beside right as you sweep right foot from front to back.
2&3Cross right behind left. Step left to left as you straighten up to 6 o'clock. Step right to right as you sway to the right.
4&5Sway to the left. Sway to the right. Cross left over right as you sweep the right from back to front.
6&7Cross step right over left. Step left to left side. Cross step right behind left (angle your body to right diagonal)
8&1Still at the diagonal hitch left up (bend right knee). Make just over ¼ left as you kick left forward (lean back slightly). Step left forward. (3 o'clock) ***
Step. ½ Step. ½ ¼ Cross. Lunge. Recover. Cross. Unwind. Side.
2&3Step forward right. Pivot ½ turn left. Step forward right.
4&5Make ½ turn right stepping back left. Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side. Cross step left over right (6 o'clock)
6-7Lunge right to right side. Recover on left.
8&1Cross step right over left. Unwind a full turn left (finish with weight on left) Step right to right side.
Sweep/ Sailor ½ Cross. Side. Cross. ¼ ½ Rock. Recover. Forward/Prep. Spiral Left.
2&3While sweeping left from front to back- cross step left behind right making ¼ left. Make ¼ left stepping right to right side. Cross step left over right.
&4Step right to right. Cross step left over right.
5-6Make ¼ right stepping right forward. Make ½ right stepping back left.
7&8Rock back on the right. Recover on the left. Step forward right. (Prep)
&On the ball of the right foot, spiral a full turn left. (9 o'clock)
HOLD: On Walls 1 & 2 there will a 2 count hold at the very end of the dance after the spiral. Just touch the left foot forward ready to go into the dance again.
RESTART: ***During Wall 3, after 16 count