Easy Intermediate
1,2,3,4,Stomp L foot fwd, fan L toes L, R, L, (take weight on left )
5,6,7,8,stomp R fwd, Hold & clap hands, stomp L fwd, Hold & clap hands
1&2,3,4,Side shuffle R,L,R, rock back L, take weight fwd R,\
5,6,7&8step L to side, ½ turn right step R to side, cross shuffle L,R,L,
1,2,rock R to side, replace weight on L,
3&4step R behind L, & step L to side, cross R over L
5,6,7,8step L fwd, ½ pivot turn right, step L fwd ,½ pivot turn right,
1&2L heel fwd, & step L next R, R heel fwd,
&3,4 &step back R, L heel fwd, HOLD & clap,
&5&6 &step back L, R heel fwd, & step back R, L heel fwd,
&7,8 &step back L, R heel fwd, HOLD & clap
1,2,3,4Rock back R, fwd L, moving fwd step R to side , step L to side
5,6,7&8,½ turn right walk fwd R, L, shuffle fwd R, L, R , ( both restarts here )
1,2 3&4step fwd L, ½ pivot turn right, shuffle fwd L, R, L,
5,6,7,8,moving slightly fwd stomp R, L, R. HOLD.
Restart dance wall 3 ( 12 o’clock )
Restart dance wall 8 ( 12 o’clock )
This dance has been taught and distributed by KICKIN’ COUNTRY L/D
Contact: Email: kickincountryau@yahoo.com - WEB: www.kickincountryau.com
5,6,7,8,stomp R fwd, Hold & clap hands, stomp L fwd, Hold & clap hands
1&2,3,4,Side shuffle R,L,R, rock back L, take weight fwd R,\
5,6,7&8step L to side, ½ turn right step R to side, cross shuffle L,R,L,
1,2,rock R to side, replace weight on L,
3&4step R behind L, & step L to side, cross R over L
5,6,7,8step L fwd, ½ pivot turn right, step L fwd ,½ pivot turn right,
1&2L heel fwd, & step L next R, R heel fwd,
&3,4 &step back R, L heel fwd, HOLD & clap,
&5&6 &step back L, R heel fwd, & step back R, L heel fwd,
&7,8 &step back L, R heel fwd, HOLD & clap
1,2,3,4Rock back R, fwd L, moving fwd step R to side , step L to side
5,6,7&8,½ turn right walk fwd R, L, shuffle fwd R, L, R , ( both restarts here )
1,2 3&4step fwd L, ½ pivot turn right, shuffle fwd L, R, L,
5,6,7,8,moving slightly fwd stomp R, L, R. HOLD.
Restart dance wall 3 ( 12 o’clock )
Restart dance wall 8 ( 12 o’clock )
This dance has been taught and distributed by KICKIN’ COUNTRY L/D
Contact: Email: kickincountryau@yahoo.com - WEB: www.kickincountryau.com