Intro: 8 counts. Start dance with lyrics.
TAG: 8-Count TAG after end of the 2nd Rotation (Wall 2) start TAG facing (6:00) then RESTART (9.00)
RESTART: at end of 24 Count on the 5th Rotation (Wall 5) facing 6:00
[1-8] Behind Side Cross Side Together Fwd, Cross Rock Recover, Cross Rock Recover (12:00)
1&2Step R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
3&4Step L to L, Step R close to L, Step Fwd on L
5&6Cross R over L, Recover on L, Step R to R.
7&8Cross L over R, Recover on R, Step L to L
[9-16] Skate Skate Stroll to R, Skate Skate Stroll to L
1-2Skate to R, Skate to L
3&4Stroll to R: Step Fwd Diagonal R, Lock L behind R, Step Fwd on R (1:30) – Option: Bump R-L-R
5-6Skate to L, Skate to R
7&8Stroll to L (10:30) – Option: Bump L-R-L
[17-24] Cross Rock Step, Coaster Step, Fwd Shuffle, Fwd ¼ Pivot Turn Cross (3:00)
1&2Cross R over L, Recover on L, Step R to R
3&4Step back on L, Step R beside L, Step Fwd on L
5&6Step Fwd on R, Step L beside R, Step Fwd on R
7&8Step Fwd on L, ¼ Turn R on R, Cross L over R (3:00)
RESTART HERE on 5th Rotation (Wall 5)
[25-32] Back ¼ Turn Side Cross, Side Chasse, Jazz Box ¼ Turn (3:00)
1&2Step back on R, ¼ Turn L on L, Cross R over L (12:00)
3&4Step L to L, Step R close to L, Step L to L
5-6Cross R over L, Step ¼ Turn R back on L (3:00)
7-8Step R to R, Step L to L
Repeat & Have Fun
End of Wall 2 - Tag: Behind Side Cross, Side Together Fwd, Jazz Box ¼ Turn (9:00)
1&2Step R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
3&4Step L to L, Step R close to L, Step Fwd on L
5-6Cross R over L, Step ¼ Turn R back on L (9:00)
7-8Step R to R, Step L to L
(Note: Tag consists of 1st 4 counts of Section 1 & Last 4 counts of Section 4)
Restart: After 24th Count on 5th Rotation (Wall 5) Facing 6:00
Contact: deshost.host@gmail.com
TAG: 8-Count TAG after end of the 2nd Rotation (Wall 2) start TAG facing (6:00) then RESTART (9.00)
RESTART: at end of 24 Count on the 5th Rotation (Wall 5) facing 6:00
[1-8] Behind Side Cross Side Together Fwd, Cross Rock Recover, Cross Rock Recover (12:00)
1&2Step R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
3&4Step L to L, Step R close to L, Step Fwd on L
5&6Cross R over L, Recover on L, Step R to R.
7&8Cross L over R, Recover on R, Step L to L
[9-16] Skate Skate Stroll to R, Skate Skate Stroll to L
1-2Skate to R, Skate to L
3&4Stroll to R: Step Fwd Diagonal R, Lock L behind R, Step Fwd on R (1:30) – Option: Bump R-L-R
5-6Skate to L, Skate to R
7&8Stroll to L (10:30) – Option: Bump L-R-L
[17-24] Cross Rock Step, Coaster Step, Fwd Shuffle, Fwd ¼ Pivot Turn Cross (3:00)
1&2Cross R over L, Recover on L, Step R to R
3&4Step back on L, Step R beside L, Step Fwd on L
5&6Step Fwd on R, Step L beside R, Step Fwd on R
7&8Step Fwd on L, ¼ Turn R on R, Cross L over R (3:00)
RESTART HERE on 5th Rotation (Wall 5)
[25-32] Back ¼ Turn Side Cross, Side Chasse, Jazz Box ¼ Turn (3:00)
1&2Step back on R, ¼ Turn L on L, Cross R over L (12:00)
3&4Step L to L, Step R close to L, Step L to L
5-6Cross R over L, Step ¼ Turn R back on L (3:00)
7-8Step R to R, Step L to L
Repeat & Have Fun
End of Wall 2 - Tag: Behind Side Cross, Side Together Fwd, Jazz Box ¼ Turn (9:00)
1&2Step R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
3&4Step L to L, Step R close to L, Step Fwd on L
5-6Cross R over L, Step ¼ Turn R back on L (9:00)
7-8Step R to R, Step L to L
(Note: Tag consists of 1st 4 counts of Section 1 & Last 4 counts of Section 4)
Restart: After 24th Count on 5th Rotation (Wall 5) Facing 6:00
Contact: deshost.host@gmail.com