High Beginner
Intro:- Start dance on vocal (16 counts from first drum beat in music)
Sequence : 32, 32 tag, 32 tag, 32, / 32, 32 tag, 32 tag, 32, / Repeat (16 Count) of section 3 & 4, /
Repeat section 3 & 4 (1-12 count) omit last 4 count,
Section – 1: Forward shuffle X2, rocking chair
1 & 2Right forward shuffle, Right, left, right
3 & 4Left forward shuffle, left, right, left
5 – 6Rock right forward, recover onto left
7 – 8Step back on right, recover onto left
Section – 2: Side rock, cross shuffle, side recover 1/4 turn right, forward shuffle
1 – 2Rock out to right side, recover onto left
3 & 4Cross shuffle to left stepping, Right, left, right
5 -- 6Step left to left Side , ¼ turn right recover onto right
7 & 8Left forward shuffle, left, right, left
Section – 3: Touch heel heel, triple on the spot X2
1 – 2Touch right heel forward diagonally right twice ,
3 -- 4Triple step on the spot, right, left, right
5 – 6Touch left heel forward diagonally left, twice
7 – 8Triple step on the spot, left, right, left
Section – 4: Right shuffle backward, 1/2 left turn shuffle, out, out, in. in
1 & 2Right backward shuffle, right, left, right
3 & 4Left ½ turning shuffle, left, right, left
5 – 6Step right to right, step left to left
7 – 8Step right to center, step left to ceter
Start Dance Again……………………..Happy Dancing
Tag :- Tag 4 Count Each time facing ( 6,00 & 3.00 ) do tag
Hip bump right twice, hip bump left twice
After wall 2 & 6 facing ( 6.00 ) O’clock
After wall 3 & 7 facing ( 3.00 ) O’clock
1 – 2Hip bump right, twice
3 – 4Hip bump left, twice
Ending: Dance 1-12 count of section 3&4, you will be facing front wall.
Contact Email: mary.chan63@gmail.com
Sequence : 32, 32 tag, 32 tag, 32, / 32, 32 tag, 32 tag, 32, / Repeat (16 Count) of section 3 & 4, /
Repeat section 3 & 4 (1-12 count) omit last 4 count,
Section – 1: Forward shuffle X2, rocking chair
1 & 2Right forward shuffle, Right, left, right
3 & 4Left forward shuffle, left, right, left
5 – 6Rock right forward, recover onto left
7 – 8Step back on right, recover onto left
Section – 2: Side rock, cross shuffle, side recover 1/4 turn right, forward shuffle
1 – 2Rock out to right side, recover onto left
3 & 4Cross shuffle to left stepping, Right, left, right
5 -- 6Step left to left Side , ¼ turn right recover onto right
7 & 8Left forward shuffle, left, right, left
Section – 3: Touch heel heel, triple on the spot X2
1 – 2Touch right heel forward diagonally right twice ,
3 -- 4Triple step on the spot, right, left, right
5 – 6Touch left heel forward diagonally left, twice
7 – 8Triple step on the spot, left, right, left
Section – 4: Right shuffle backward, 1/2 left turn shuffle, out, out, in. in
1 & 2Right backward shuffle, right, left, right
3 & 4Left ½ turning shuffle, left, right, left
5 – 6Step right to right, step left to left
7 – 8Step right to center, step left to ceter
Start Dance Again……………………..Happy Dancing
Tag :- Tag 4 Count Each time facing ( 6,00 & 3.00 ) do tag
Hip bump right twice, hip bump left twice
After wall 2 & 6 facing ( 6.00 ) O’clock
After wall 3 & 7 facing ( 3.00 ) O’clock
1 – 2Hip bump right, twice
3 – 4Hip bump left, twice
Ending: Dance 1-12 count of section 3&4, you will be facing front wall.
Contact Email: mary.chan63@gmail.com