High Beginner
Pretty Belinda - Dr. Victor & The Rasta Rebels : (CD: When Somebody Loves You Back)或:
Fly Away - Lutricia McNeal
Intro: 32 counts.
Step Right Forward, Step Left Forward, Step Right Forward . Point Left (Snap Your Fingers), Walk Back Left, Right, Left Point Right (Snap Your Fingers)
1-4Step right forward, step left forward, right, point left to side wile you do the point, snap your fingers
5-8Walk back left, right, left, point your right to side, and snap your fingers
Full Step Turn Right, Touch Left Together And Clap. Full Step Turn Left, Touch Right Together And Clap
1-4Full step turn right ¼, ½, ¼ and touch left together and clap
5-8Full step turn left ¼, ½, ¼ and touch right together and clap
Right Shuffle, Left Rock, Recover, Left Coaster Step, ½ Step Turn Left
1&2Chassé forward right, left, right
3-4Rock left forward and recover
5&6Left coaster step
7-8Step right forward and make a ½ step turn left
Right Shuffle Forward, Left Rock, Recover, Left Coaster Step, ¼ Step Turn Left
1&2Chassé forward right, left, right
3-4Rock left forward and recover
5&6Left coaster step
7-8Step right forward make a ¼ step turn left
TAG: AFTER wall 11 (6:00)
½ Step Turn Left Twice Step Right Forward, Step Left Forward, Step Right Forward Point Left To Side Walk Back Left, Right, Left Point Right To Side
1-4Step right forward, make a ½ step turn left, step right forward, make a ½ step turn left
1-4Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward point left to side, snap your fingers
5-8Walk back left, right, left, touch right to side
Then start over from the beginning
To the alternativ music, Fly Away with Lutricia McNeal. With this music, there are no tag.
suggestion move to alt.music. On count 1-7 you raise your arms out to the sides and slowy , as if you falls out wings on count 8 snap your fingers. And on count 9-15 slowly lower your arms on count 16 snap your finger out to the sides
Last Update - 16 Oct 2022
Step Right Forward, Step Left Forward, Step Right Forward . Point Left (Snap Your Fingers), Walk Back Left, Right, Left Point Right (Snap Your Fingers)
1-4Step right forward, step left forward, right, point left to side wile you do the point, snap your fingers
5-8Walk back left, right, left, point your right to side, and snap your fingers
Full Step Turn Right, Touch Left Together And Clap. Full Step Turn Left, Touch Right Together And Clap
1-4Full step turn right ¼, ½, ¼ and touch left together and clap
5-8Full step turn left ¼, ½, ¼ and touch right together and clap
Right Shuffle, Left Rock, Recover, Left Coaster Step, ½ Step Turn Left
1&2Chassé forward right, left, right
3-4Rock left forward and recover
5&6Left coaster step
7-8Step right forward and make a ½ step turn left
Right Shuffle Forward, Left Rock, Recover, Left Coaster Step, ¼ Step Turn Left
1&2Chassé forward right, left, right
3-4Rock left forward and recover
5&6Left coaster step
7-8Step right forward make a ¼ step turn left
TAG: AFTER wall 11 (6:00)
½ Step Turn Left Twice Step Right Forward, Step Left Forward, Step Right Forward Point Left To Side Walk Back Left, Right, Left Point Right To Side
1-4Step right forward, make a ½ step turn left, step right forward, make a ½ step turn left
1-4Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward point left to side, snap your fingers
5-8Walk back left, right, left, touch right to side
Then start over from the beginning
To the alternativ music, Fly Away with Lutricia McNeal. With this music, there are no tag.
suggestion move to alt.music. On count 1-7 you raise your arms out to the sides and slowy , as if you falls out wings on count 8 snap your fingers. And on count 9-15 slowly lower your arms on count 16 snap your finger out to the sides
Last Update - 16 Oct 2022