Novice / Beginner
Intro: 64 counts.
Step, Lock, Step, Lock, Step, Left Rock Recover, Left Coasterstep
1RF Step fwd
2LF lock
3RF step fwd
&LF lock behind
4RF step fwd
5LF rock fwd
6RF recover
7LF step behind
&RF step together
8LF step fwd
Side Rock, Recover, Right Cross shuffle, ¼ Turn R,1/4 Turn R, Left Shuffle Fwd
1RF rock to the side
2LF recover
3RF cross over LF
&LF step to the side
4RF cross over LF
5LF ¼ turn R, step bwd
6RF ¼ turn R, step to the side
7LF step fwd
&RF Step together
8LF step fwd
Side Rock, Recover, Sailorstep, Left Rock Fwd, Recover, Left Shuffle Back
1RF rock to the side
2LF recover
3RF cross behind LF
&LF step to the side
4RF step to the side
5LF rock fwd
6RF recover
7LF step bwd
&RF step together
8LF step bwd
Touch Right Back,1/2 Turn R, L Shuffle, Pivot ¼ Turn Left, Heel Switches
1RF Touch behind
2RF ½ turn R, weight on RF
3LF step fwd
&RF Step together
4LF step fwd
5RF step fwd
6R+L ¼ turn L
7RF touch heel fwd
&RF zet naast LF
8LF touch heel fwd
&LF close next to RF
Start Again.
After the 8th en the 9th wall, add following steps:
2x Monterey ½ Turn R, Grapevine R, Touch Grapevine L, Touch
1RF touch to the side
2½ turn R, close RF next to LF
3LF touch to the side
4LF close
5RF touch to the side
6½ turn R, close RF next to LF
7LF touch to the side
8LF close
1RF step to the side
2LF cross behind
3RF step to the side
4LF touch next to RF
5LF step to the side
6RF cross behind
7LF step to the side
8RF touch next to RF
(You can also do rolling vines if you want)
Step, Lock, Step, Lock, Step, Left Rock Recover, Left Coasterstep
1RF Step fwd
2LF lock
3RF step fwd
&LF lock behind
4RF step fwd
5LF rock fwd
6RF recover
7LF step behind
&RF step together
8LF step fwd
Side Rock, Recover, Right Cross shuffle, ¼ Turn R,1/4 Turn R, Left Shuffle Fwd
1RF rock to the side
2LF recover
3RF cross over LF
&LF step to the side
4RF cross over LF
5LF ¼ turn R, step bwd
6RF ¼ turn R, step to the side
7LF step fwd
&RF Step together
8LF step fwd
Side Rock, Recover, Sailorstep, Left Rock Fwd, Recover, Left Shuffle Back
1RF rock to the side
2LF recover
3RF cross behind LF
&LF step to the side
4RF step to the side
5LF rock fwd
6RF recover
7LF step bwd
&RF step together
8LF step bwd
Touch Right Back,1/2 Turn R, L Shuffle, Pivot ¼ Turn Left, Heel Switches
1RF Touch behind
2RF ½ turn R, weight on RF
3LF step fwd
&RF Step together
4LF step fwd
5RF step fwd
6R+L ¼ turn L
7RF touch heel fwd
&RF zet naast LF
8LF touch heel fwd
&LF close next to RF
Start Again.
After the 8th en the 9th wall, add following steps:
2x Monterey ½ Turn R, Grapevine R, Touch Grapevine L, Touch
1RF touch to the side
2½ turn R, close RF next to LF
3LF touch to the side
4LF close
5RF touch to the side
6½ turn R, close RF next to LF
7LF touch to the side
8LF close
1RF step to the side
2LF cross behind
3RF step to the side
4LF touch next to RF
5LF step to the side
6RF cross behind
7LF step to the side
8RF touch next to RF
(You can also do rolling vines if you want)