Phrased Intermediate
Dance Sequence: A A B B B(12) A A B B B(12) A A A Ending.
Intro 8x8 Count (32Sec),
Section A (32 count)
1,2Step forward on right, step forward on left.
3&4Rock forward on right, recover on left, rock back on right.
5,6Step back on left, step back on right.
7&8Rock back on left, recover on right, rock forward on left.
1,2Step forward on right, 1/2 turn left touch left toe front right.(6:00)
3&4Step forward on left, close right beside left, step forward on left.
5,6Pivot 1/2 turn left sweeping right, touch right toe front left.(12:00)
7&8Step forward on right, close left beside right, step forward on right
1,2Step forward on left, 1/2 turn right touch right toe front left.(6:00)
3&4Step forward on right, close left beside right, step forward on right.
5,6Pivot 1/2 turn right sweeping left, touch left toe front right.(12:00)
7&8Step forward on left, close right beside left, step forward on left
1,2,3,4Step forward on right, 1/2 turn left recover on left, step forward on R, stomp left next to right(6:00)
5,6,7,8Step forward on right, recover on left, step back on right, recover on left.
Hand Option: (4)salute with right hand touch right side of your head ,(5678) hold styling.
Section B (28 count)
1&2,3&4Shuffle forward diagonal R on R,L R , shuffle forward diagonal L on L,R,L.
1,2,3,4Step right to diagonal R, step left next to right, step right to diagonal R, touch left next to R .
5,6,7,8Step left to diagonal L, step right next to L, step left to diagonal L, touch right next to L.
Hand Option: (1) Right arm lift up ,left arm left extend ,(5) Left arm lift up ,right arm right extend
1,2,3,4Turn 1/4 right step right forward, turn 1/2 right step left back. Turn 1/4 right step right side. Touch left to left..
5,6,7,8Turn 1/4 left step left forward, turn 1/2 left step right back. Turn 1/4 left step left side,tou.Touch right to right.
Hand Option: (4) Right arm lift up,left hand on left waist. (8) Left arm lift up,right hand on right waist.
1,2,3,4Step back on R,L,R ,step left next to right.
5,6,7,8Bump R,L,R,L
Hand Option: (4)salute with right hand touch right side of your head ,(5678) hold styling.
1&2Step right forward ,pivot 1/2 tun left, Stomp right next to left .
(Hand styling: salute with right hand touch right side of your head )
To celebrate international 38 women's days
Contact: linedance@live.cn, - linedance.56.com
Intro 8x8 Count (32Sec),
Section A (32 count)
1,2Step forward on right, step forward on left.
3&4Rock forward on right, recover on left, rock back on right.
5,6Step back on left, step back on right.
7&8Rock back on left, recover on right, rock forward on left.
1,2Step forward on right, 1/2 turn left touch left toe front right.(6:00)
3&4Step forward on left, close right beside left, step forward on left.
5,6Pivot 1/2 turn left sweeping right, touch right toe front left.(12:00)
7&8Step forward on right, close left beside right, step forward on right
1,2Step forward on left, 1/2 turn right touch right toe front left.(6:00)
3&4Step forward on right, close left beside right, step forward on right.
5,6Pivot 1/2 turn right sweeping left, touch left toe front right.(12:00)
7&8Step forward on left, close right beside left, step forward on left
1,2,3,4Step forward on right, 1/2 turn left recover on left, step forward on R, stomp left next to right(6:00)
5,6,7,8Step forward on right, recover on left, step back on right, recover on left.
Hand Option: (4)salute with right hand touch right side of your head ,(5678) hold styling.
Section B (28 count)
1&2,3&4Shuffle forward diagonal R on R,L R , shuffle forward diagonal L on L,R,L.
1,2,3,4Step right to diagonal R, step left next to right, step right to diagonal R, touch left next to R .
5,6,7,8Step left to diagonal L, step right next to L, step left to diagonal L, touch right next to L.
Hand Option: (1) Right arm lift up ,left arm left extend ,(5) Left arm lift up ,right arm right extend
1,2,3,4Turn 1/4 right step right forward, turn 1/2 right step left back. Turn 1/4 right step right side. Touch left to left..
5,6,7,8Turn 1/4 left step left forward, turn 1/2 left step right back. Turn 1/4 left step left side,tou.Touch right to right.
Hand Option: (4) Right arm lift up,left hand on left waist. (8) Left arm lift up,right hand on right waist.
1,2,3,4Step back on R,L,R ,step left next to right.
5,6,7,8Bump R,L,R,L
Hand Option: (4)salute with right hand touch right side of your head ,(5678) hold styling.
1&2Step right forward ,pivot 1/2 tun left, Stomp right next to left .
(Hand styling: salute with right hand touch right side of your head )
To celebrate international 38 women's days
Contact: linedance@live.cn, - linedance.56.com