CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Susanne Oates (UK) - February 2011
Moo la Moo - Steve Azar : (CD: Slide On Over Here)
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Intro: 32 counts.

[1-8] Syncopated Jazz, Cross, Hold, Jazz Jumps, Step Shimmy, Drag, Ball
1-2Cross right over left, step left back
&34Step right toe to side, cross left over right, hold
&5&6Step right back, step left to side, step right forward, step left slightly to left side
78&Step right long step to right side, shimmying shoulders, continue to shimmy while dragging left toward right, step on ball of left

[9-16] Syncopated Weave, Hold, Step, Touch, Hitch, Touch, Drag, Ball, Cross
1&2&Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side
3-4Cross right over left, hold
&5&6Step left to side, touch right to side, hitch right knee across left, touch right to side
7&8Drag right toward left, step ball of right beside left, cross left over right

[17-24] Heel, Ball, Cross(Twice), Heel Grind Turn ½ Right, Coaster
1&2Touch right heel diagonally forward, step ball of right slightly back, cross left over right
3&4Repeat steps 17&18
5-6Touch right heel diagonally forward, taking weight on heel, turn ½ right and step left back (6:00)
7&8Step right back, step left together, step right forward

[25-32] Hip Walks, Kick, Ball, Touch, Cross, Unwind ½ Left Turn
1&2Step left forward, bumping hips left, right, left
3&4Step right forward, bumping hips right, left, right
5&6Kick left forward, step ball of left beside right, touch right to side
7-8Cross right over left, unwind ½ left turn, taking weight on right (12:00)

[33-40] Coaster, Shuffle, Full Turn, Shuffle
1&2Step left back, step right together, step left forward
3&4Chassé forward right, left, right
5-6Turn ½ right turn, stepping left back, turn ½ right turn, stepping right forward
7-8Chassé forward right, left, right

[41-48] Forward Rock, Full Turn Back, Double Lock Back, Back, Together
1-2Rock right forward, recover to left
3-4Turn ½ right turn, stepping right forward, turn ½ right turn, stepping left back
5&6&Step right back, lock left across right, step right back, lock left across right
7-8Step right back, step left together (12:00)

[49-56] Right Rock, Switch To Left Rock, Dorothy Steps
1-2Rock right forward, recover to left
&34Step right together, rock left forward, recover to right
&56Step left together, step right diagonally forward, lock left behind right
&78Step right together, step left diagonally forward, lock right behind left

[57-64] Step, Touch, Back, Heel, Hold, Ball, Rock, Triple ¾ Left Turn
&12Step left together, step right forward, touch left behind right
&34Step left back, touch right heel forward, hold
&56Step right toe beside left, rock left forward, recover to right
7&8Turn ¾ left, stepping left, right, left (3:00)


TAG: At the END of wall 3, facing 9:00
Syncopated Jazz, Hold, Touch Turn ¼ Left X4
12Cross right over left, step left back
&34Step right toe to side, cross left over right, hold
5&6&Touch right to side, using right toe to push, turn ¼ left, recovering weight to left, repeat
7&8&Repeat steps 5&6&
Start dance from beginning still at 9:00

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