Start point: After 16 counts.
Kick and touch, kick and touch, Kick ball cross heel jack, hold
1&2Kick R forward, step onto R, touch L next to R
3&4Kick L forward, step onto L, touch R next to L
5&6&7Kick R forward, step onto ball of R, cross step L over R, step R back on R diagonal, touch L heel forward on L diagonal
And cross side step, ¼ turn right step, cross, shuffle right, rock recover
&1,2Step onto L in place, cross step R over L, step L to L
3,4Step R back making a ¼ turn R, cross step L over R
5&6Shuffle R: R,L,R
7,8Rock step L behind R, recover onto R
Side behind ball cross side, sailor step, sailor step
1,2&3,4Step L to L, cross step R behind L, step on L in place, cross step R over L, step L to L
5&6Sailor step: R,L,R
7&8Sailor step: L,R,L
Rock recover, coaster step, walk, walk, walk, touch
1,2Rock forward on R, recover on L
3&4Coaster step back: R,L,R
5,6,7Walk forward 3x: L,R,L
8Touch R next to L
Start Over!
16 counts. Danced once after two complete rotations of the 32 count dance – on the back wall.
1-8Dance the first 8 of the dance EXACTLY!
(9-16) Repeat the same pattern as the first 8 of the dance but with the opposite feet:
9&10Kick L forward, step onto L, touch R next to L
11&12Kick R forward, step onto R, touch L next to R
13&14&15Kick L forward, step onto ball of L, cross step R over L, step L back on L diagonal, touch R heel forward on R diagonal
Contact: murphydance@ns.sympatico.ca
Kick and touch, kick and touch, Kick ball cross heel jack, hold
1&2Kick R forward, step onto R, touch L next to R
3&4Kick L forward, step onto L, touch R next to L
5&6&7Kick R forward, step onto ball of R, cross step L over R, step R back on R diagonal, touch L heel forward on L diagonal
And cross side step, ¼ turn right step, cross, shuffle right, rock recover
&1,2Step onto L in place, cross step R over L, step L to L
3,4Step R back making a ¼ turn R, cross step L over R
5&6Shuffle R: R,L,R
7,8Rock step L behind R, recover onto R
Side behind ball cross side, sailor step, sailor step
1,2&3,4Step L to L, cross step R behind L, step on L in place, cross step R over L, step L to L
5&6Sailor step: R,L,R
7&8Sailor step: L,R,L
Rock recover, coaster step, walk, walk, walk, touch
1,2Rock forward on R, recover on L
3&4Coaster step back: R,L,R
5,6,7Walk forward 3x: L,R,L
8Touch R next to L
Start Over!
16 counts. Danced once after two complete rotations of the 32 count dance – on the back wall.
1-8Dance the first 8 of the dance EXACTLY!
(9-16) Repeat the same pattern as the first 8 of the dance but with the opposite feet:
9&10Kick L forward, step onto L, touch R next to L
11&12Kick R forward, step onto R, touch L next to R
13&14&15Kick L forward, step onto ball of L, cross step R over L, step L back on L diagonal, touch R heel forward on R diagonal
Contact: murphydance@ns.sympatico.ca