CopperKnob Stepsheets

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We Are One (and it's Amazing)

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Greg Markish (USA) - March 2011
Amazing - One eskimO : (Album: One EskimO)
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Start dancing at the trumpet introduction 32-counts (0:20s) into the track.

[1-8] Coaster; Walking Turn; Side Rock-and-Cross; Side Step-Pivot
1&2Step right back, Step left together with right, Step right forward
3-4Turn ½ right stepping left back, Turn ½ right stepping right forward (smaller steps help with the transition to count 5) (12:00)
5&6Rock left to left side, Recover right, Step left across right
7Step right to right side angling slightly left (10:30)
8Turn ¼ left stepping forward on left (7:30)

[9-16] Diagonal Shuffle; Rock Recover; Diagonal Turning-Shuffle Back; Rock Recover
1&2Step right forward, Step left to right instep, Step right forward (7:30)
3-4Rock left forward, Recover right
5&6Turn ¼ left stepping onto left (4:30), Turn ½ left stepping onto right (10:30), Turn ¼ left stepping back onto left (7:30)
7-8Rock right back, Recover left

[17-24] 3/8 Chase Turn; Rock Recover; Half-Shuffle Back; Half-Pivot
1&2Step right forward, Step ball of left together with right turning 3/8 left (3:00), Step right forward
3-4Rock left forward, Recover right
5&6Turn ¼ left stepping onto left, Gather right to left, Turn ¼ left stepping forward onto left (9:00)
7-8Step right forward, Pivot ½ left with weight on left (3:00)

[25-32] 3 Scissor Crosses Forward; Step; Half-Turn Sweep
1&2Step right to right diagonal, Step ball of left to right instep, Step right across left with a low, soft finger-snap from both hands
3&4Step left to left diagonal, Step ball of right to left instep, Step left across right with a low, soft finger-snap from both hands
5&6Step right to right diagonal, Step ball of left to right instep, Step right across left with a low, soft finger-snap from both hands R
7Step left forward
8Sweep right behind left while turning ½ right (9:00 - touching down on count 1 in the initial coaster step)

Begin Again


Last Revision on Site - 29th July 2011

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