1-2Kick right forward
3-4Kick left forward
5-6Kick right to side
7-8Kick left to side
Lock step right and left, hitch, hand slap
1-2Step right forward, lock left behind right
3-4Step right forward, hitch left and slap left hand on left knee
5-6Step left forward, lock right behind left
7-8Step left forward, hitch right and slap right hand on right knee
Diagonal step right and left with clap
1-2Step right diagonally forward, touch left together and clap
3-4Step left diagonally back, touch right together and clap
5-6Step right diagonally back, touch left together and clap
7-8Step left diagonally back, touch right together and clap
Right vine, toe, heel touches,
1-2Step right to side, cross left behind right
3-4Step right to side, touch left together
5-6Touch left toe to side, touch left heel forward
7-8Touch left toe to side, touch left toe back
Left vine, toe touches
1-2Step left to side, step right behind left
3-4Step left to side, touch right together
5-6Touch right toe to side, touch right heel forward
7-8Touch right toe to side, touch right toe back
Toe struts
1-2Right toe strut out
3-4left toe strut out
5-6Right toe strut in
7-8Left toe strut in
Diagonal step, swivet, right and left
1-2Step right diagonally forward, step left together
3-4Swivet right
5-6Step left diagonally forward ,right together
7-8Swivet left
¼ turn kicks, stomp up, stomp down
1-2Kick right forward with ¼ turn right, step right together
3-4Kick left forward with ¼ turn right, step left together
5-6Kick right forward with ¼ turn right , step right together
7-8Stomp left x2
1-2Kick right forward
3-4Kick left forward
5-6Kick right to side
7-8Kick left to side
Lock step right and left, hitch, hand slap
1-2Step right forward, lock left behind right
3-4Step right forward, hitch left and slap left hand on left knee
5-6Step left forward, lock right behind left
7-8Step left forward, hitch right and slap right hand on right knee
Diagonal step right and left with clap
1-2Step right diagonally forward, touch left together and clap
3-4Step left diagonally back, touch right together and clap
5-6Step right diagonally back, touch left together and clap
7-8Step left diagonally back, touch right together and clap
Right vine, toe, heel touches,
1-2Step right to side, cross left behind right
3-4Step right to side, touch left together
5-6Touch left toe to side, touch left heel forward
7-8Touch left toe to side, touch left toe back
Left vine, toe touches
1-2Step left to side, step right behind left
3-4Step left to side, touch right together
5-6Touch right toe to side, touch right heel forward
7-8Touch right toe to side, touch right toe back
Toe struts
1-2Right toe strut out
3-4left toe strut out
5-6Right toe strut in
7-8Left toe strut in
Diagonal step, swivet, right and left
1-2Step right diagonally forward, step left together
3-4Swivet right
5-6Step left diagonally forward ,right together
7-8Swivet left
¼ turn kicks, stomp up, stomp down
1-2Kick right forward with ¼ turn right, step right together
3-4Kick left forward with ¼ turn right, step left together
5-6Kick right forward with ¼ turn right , step right together
7-8Stomp left x2