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Place In This World

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Anne Frydenlund (DK) - November 2010
A Place In This World - Taylor Swift : (Album: Taylor Swift)
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The Dance starts after 4 counts, right after she has song “I don’t know what I ”

S1. Back rock R, Recover L, Shuffle fwd R, Rock L fwd, Recover R, Coasterstep L
1 – 2Step back on right, Recover on left
3 & 4Step right forward, Close left behind right, Step right forward
5 – 6Rock left forward, Recover on right
7 & 8Step back on left, Step right beside left, step forward on left
Restart here during 3. Wall facing (12:00)

S2. Jazzbox ¼ turn R with toestrots, Cross toestrot
1 – 2Cross right over left with weight on the front of the foot, Slap right heel down
3 – 4Step left back with weight on the front of the foot, Slap left heel down
5 – 6Step right ¼ Right to right side with weight on the front of the foot, Slap right heel down
7 - 8Cross left over right with weight on the front of the foot, Slap left heel down (03:00)

S3. Vine to R side, Touch, Monteray ½ turn L with touch
1 – 4Step right to right side, Cross left behind right, Step right to right side, Touch left beside right
5 –6Point left to left side, Make ½ turn left stepping left beside right (09:00)
7 – 8Point right to right side, Touch right beside left
TAG: Add 4 count tag and start from beginning again at this point during wall 6. Se note below.

S4. Rocking chair R, Kick ball change R, Side rock R, Recover L
1 – 4Step right forward, Recover on left, Step Right back, Recover on left
5 & 6Kick right forward, Step ball on right, Put weight on left in the spot
7 – 8Step right to right side, Recover on left

S5. Cross point, Cross point, Chasse ¼ turn R, Stomp L, Kick L
1 – 4Cross right over left, Point left out, Cross left over right, Point right out
5 & 6Step right to right, close left beside right, ¼ turn R to right side (12:00)
7 – 8Stomp left without taking weight, Kick left forward

S6. Step pivot R Step, Hold, Rock R fwd, Hold, Shuffle L back
1 - 4Step Left forward, Turn ½ onto right, Step left forward (06:00), Hold
5 – 6Rock right forward, Hold
7 – 8Step left back, Close right next to left, Step left back

Restart: At 3. Wall after the 1. sektion the dance starts again. Facing 12 o`clock.

At 6. Wall you will be dancing the first 3 sektions. You will be facing 9 o`clock. The tag is 4 counts long.
1 – 4Step right forward, Turn ¼ L putting the weight on left, Rock forward on right, Recover on left.
Start again from beginning of the dance, and the dance will end facing front wall.

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