CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tanya Hati (Ask My Heart)

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Duma Kristina S (INA) - November 2010
Tanya Hati - Pasto
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Intro: start dancing after 32 counts

[1-8] R-L Side Basic, Turn 1/2 L, Recover, Cross, Recover, Side Cross
1-2&Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), recover on R (&)
3-4&Step L to L side (3), cross R behind L (4), recover on L (&)
5-6&Turn 1/4 L stepping back on R (5), continue turning 1/4 L stepping L to L side (6) [6.00], recover on R (&). Make almost 1/2 turning L on count 5, rather than 2x 1/4 turning.
7&8&Cross L over R (7), recover on R (&), step L to L side (8), cross R over L (&)

[9-16] L Side, Rolling Vine, Behind, Cross, Side, Turn 1/4 R, Forward, Pivot 1/2 R, Run Forward L-R-L
1-2&Step L to L side (1), turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (2), turn 1/2 R stepping back on L (&) [3.00]
3-4Turn 1/4 R stepping R to R side (3) [6.00],* close L behind R (4)*
*ON 4th and 8th wall, replace count 4 (close L behind R) with recover weight on L, then RESTART the dance with stepping R to R side
&5Cross R over L (&), step L to L side (5), turn the body to the left as if looking left
6&7Turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (6) [9.00], step L forward (&), pivot 1/2 R weight on R (7) [3.00]
&8&* Step L forward (&), step R forward (8), step L forward (&)*
*RESTART from here DURING 6th wall by stepping R to R side

[17-24] R Long Back, Scissor Step, Turn 1/2 L, Cross, Side, Behind, Recover, Turn 1/2 L, Cross, Side
1-2&Long step back on R (1), step L to L side (2), close R next to L (&)
3&4Cross L over R (3), turn 1/4 L stepping back on R (&), turn 1/4 L stepping L to L side (4) [9.00]
&5Cross R over L (&), step L to L side (5)
6&7Step R behind L (6), recover on L (&), turn 1/4 L stepping back on R (7)
&8&Turn 1/4 L stepping L to L side (&) [3.00], cross R over L (8), step L to L side (&)

[25-32] R Behind and Sweep L, Behind, Side, Weave, Side, Recover, Cross, Turn ½ R, Cross
1-2&Cross R behind L whilst sweeping L from front to back (1), cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (&)
3&4Cross L over R (3), step R to R side (&), step L behind R (4)
&5Step R to R side (&), cross L over R (5)
6&7Step R to R side (6), recover on L (&), cross R over L (7)
&8&Turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (8) [9.00], cross L over R (&) Start dancing again

TAG: after finishing 2nd wall, facing 6.00, add 4 count: sway R-L-R-L


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