CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Peter Metelnick (UK) & Alison Metelnick (UK) - November 2010
The Flood - Katie Melua : (4:05)
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Start after 16 count intro. CCW rotation.
Dance Part A 5 times; dance Part B 5 times; dance Part A to the end. L foot lead.

Part A: Dance 5 walls ending facing 12. Then dance Part B.
[1-8] L fwd & side syncopated rock steps, L behind-side-cross, syncopated ½ R Monterey, L ball step fwd, L fwd
1&2&Rock L forward, recover weight on R, rock L side, recover weight on R
3&4Cross step L behind R, step R side, cross step L over R
5&6&Touch R toes side, turning ½ right step R together, touch L toes side, step L together (6 o’clock)
7-8Step R forward, step L forward

[9-16] R syncopated rocking chair, R side rock-recover-cross, L ball cross, L side rock recover turning ¼ R, L fwd, L fwd full turn
1&2&Rock R forward, recover weight on L, rock R back, recover weight on L
3&4Rock R side, recover weight on L, cross step R over L
&5Step L side, cross step R over L
6&7Rock L side, recover weight on R turning ¼ right, step L forward (9 o’clock)
8&Turning ½ left step R back, turning ½ left step L forward (9 o’clock)

[17-24] Syncopated R & L fwd rock & recovers, ½ L & L fwd, ½ L & R back L sweep into L coaster step, R fwd
1-2&Rock R forward, recover weight on L, step R together
3-4&Rock L forward, recover weight on R, turning ½ left step L forward (3 o’clock)
5Turning ½ left step R back (sweeping L foot from front to back) (9 o’clock)
6&7Step L back, step R together, step L forward
8Step R forward
RESTART 1: During wall 1: dance 1st 24 counts and restart (facing L side wall)

[25-32] L cross step, step R back, step L together, cross R back, rock L diagonally back, recover weight on R, step L fwd,
½ pivot turn, step R fwd, ½ pivot L, step R fwd
1&2Cross step L over R, step R back, step L together
3&4Cross step R over L, rock L back on left diagonal, step R forward
RESTART 2: During wall 2: dance 1st 28 counts and restart (facing back wall)
RESTART 3: During wall 4: dance 1st 28 counts and restart (facing front wall)
5&6Step L forward, pivot ½ right, step L forward
TAG: During wall 5: dance 1st 30 counts and add the following 2 count tag:
7&8step R forward, pivot ¼ left, cross step R over L (end facing 12o’clock)
7&8Step R forward, pivot ½ left, step R forward

Part B: Dance 5 walls you will be facing your 9 o’clock wall, then dance Part A to the end.
[1-8] L chasse rock back & recover, ½ L hinge turn, R cross rock & recover, R side
1&2Step L side, step R together, step L side
3-4Rock R back, recover weight on L
5-8&Turning ¼ left step R back, turning ¼ left step L side, cross rock R over L, recover weight on L, step R side (6 o’clock)

[9-16] L cross rock & recover, L side, weave L 2, 1/8th R sailor, R full turn fwd
1-2&Cross rock L over R, recover weight on R, step L side
3-4Cross step R over L, step L side
5&6Cross step R behind L, step L side, turning 1/8th right toward diagonal, step R forward (7 o’clock)
7-8Turning ½ right step L back, turning ½ right step R forward (7 o’clock)
Non-turning option 7-8: walk forward L & R toward diagonal

[17-24] L fwd shuffle, R fwd & back brush steps, R toe back, ½ R & weight on R, L fwd shuffle
1&2Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
3-6Brush R forward, brush R back, touch R toes back, turning ½ right step down on right (1 o’clock)
7&8Step L forward, step R together, step L forward

[25-32] R syncopated jazz box turning 1/8th R, L fwd, ½ R pivot, L fwd, R touch together, R back, L heel ball cross
1-2Cross R over L, step L back turning 1/8th right to square to wall (3 o’clock)
&3-4Step R side, step L forward, pivot ½ right (9 o’clock)
5-6Step L forward, touch R together
&7&8Step R back, touch L heel forward, step L back, cross step R over L (you can replace the heel with a flick)
During the 5th wall of Part B in the final section the music will slow so slow your syncopation down accordingly.

The End: On the final wall of Part A you will start facing 6. Dance the first 13 counts of Part A getting as far as the L ball cross which brings you to the front wall. Now dance the following to finish the dance:
6&7Rock L side, recover weight on R, step L forward and hold to end.

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