CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Karl-Harry Winson (UK) & Ross Brown (ENG) - October 2010
Proud (Josh Harris Pride Remix) - Heather Small : (CD: Josh Harris Remix - 3:47)
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Intro: 32 Counts (Approx. 15 Secs)

(Section 1) Hitch, Pivot ¼ Turn R. Coaster step. Forward Rock. Full Turn L.
1 – 2Hitch right knee, make a ¼ turn right keeping right knee up as you pivot on left foot.
3 & 4Step back on the right, step left next to the right, step forward on the right.
5 – 6Rock forward on the left, recover weight back onto the right.
7 – 8Make a ½ turn left stepping left forward, make a ½ turn left stepping back on the right. (3 o’clock)

(Section 2) Back Rock. Step Forward, Scuff. Jazz Box ¼ Turn R
1 – 2Rock back on the left, recover weight forward onto the right.
3 – 4Step forward on the left, scuff right foot beside the left.
5 – 6Cross right foot over the left, step back on the left.
7 – 8Make a ¼ turn right stepping right to the right, step forward with left. (6 o’clock)
Restart 1: On Wall 3, restart the dance at this point facing 6 o’clock.

(Section 3) Side Switches R & L. Pivot ¼ Turn L , Flick. Side Rock. Behind, Step ¼ Turn L, Step.
1 & 2Touch right foot to the right, step right next to left, touch left foot to the left.
3 – 4Pivot a ¼ turn left transferring weight to left foot, flick right foot behind left with right ankle touching just below left knee.
5 – 6Rock right foot out to the right side, recover weight back onto the left.
7 & 8Cross right behind the left, make a ¼ turn left stepping left forward, step forward on the right. (12 o’clock)

(Section 4) Heel Switches (Turning ¼ Turn L). Forward Rock. Heel Switches. (Turning ¼ Turn L). Walk, Walk.
1 &Make an 1/8 turn left tapping left heel forward, step left next to the right.
2 &Make an 1/8 turn left tapping right heel forward, step right next to the left.
3 – 4Rock forward on the left, recover weight back onto the right.
& 5Step left foot next to the right, make an 1/8 turn left tapping right heel forward.
& 6Step right foot next to the left, make an 1/8 turn left tapping left heel forward.
& 7 – 8Step left foot next to the right, walk forward; right, left. (6 o’clock)

(Section 5) Step, Touches X2 (Facing Diagonals). Out, Out ¼ Turn R. Sailor ¼ Turn R.
1 – 2Step right forward to the right diagonal (Body facing left diagonal), touch left next to right.
3 – 4Step left forward to the left diagonal (Body should be facing right diagonal), touch right next to left.
5 – 6Step right to the right, make a ¼ turn right stepping left to the left.
7 & 8Cross step right behind left, make a ¼ turn right stepping left next to right, step forward with right. (12 o’clock)
Alternative: On Counts 1 – 4, you can swap the Steps and Touches to give a funky Touch, Step sequence.
Restart 2: On Wall 6, restart the dance after Count 4 of this Section, facing 12 o’clock.

(Section 6) Step, Touches X2 (Facing Diagonals). Step, Pivot ½ Turn R. Kick Ball Step.
1 – 2Step left forward to the left diagonal (Body facing right diagonal), touch right next to left.
3 – 4Step right forward to the right diagonal (Body facing left diagonal), touch left next to the right.
5 – 6Step forward with left, pivot a ½ turn right.
7 & 8Kick left foot forward, step left next to right, step forward with right. (6 o’clock)
Alternative: Same Alternative as previous Section

(Section 7) Syncopated Jazz Box ¼ Turn L. Rock Back, Recover. Chasse Right.
1 – 2Cross left foot over the right, step back on the right.
& 3 – 4Make a ¼ turn left stepping left to the left, cross step right over left, step left to the left.
5 – 6Rock back with right, recover onto left.
7 & 8Step right to the right side, close left next to the right, step right to the right side. (3 o’clock)

(Section 8) Behind, Hip Bumps X2, Behind. Step ¼ Turn L, Back Step ½ Turn L. Left Coaster Step.
1 – 2Cross step left behind right, step right to the right bumping hips right.
3 – 4Bump hips to the left, cross step right behind left.
5 – 6Make a ¼ turn left stepping left forward, make a ½ turn left stepping back on the right.
7 & 8Step back on the left, step right beside the left, step forward on the left. (6 o’clock)

End of Dance. Start again and Enjoy!

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