Beginner / Improver
Mambo box
1-2Step right to side, close left beside
3-4step fwd on right, touch left beside
5-6step left to side, close right beside
7-8step back on left, touch right beside
Vine cross, Side toe strut, Cross toe strut
9-10step right to side, step left behind right
11-12step right to side, cross left over right
13-14touch right toes to side, drop right heel down
15-16cross left toes over right, drop left heel down
Side rock, Back rock, Step & hook, Bend knee twice
17-18rock right to side, recover on left
19-20rock back on right, recover on left
21-22step fwd on right and hook left behind right &
23-24slightly bend down and up on right knee twice
(keeping left hooked & weight on right)
Back lock step, Ronde with ¼ turn right, Sailor step, Stomp
25-27step back on left, lock right across left, step back on left
28sweep right foot round & ¼ turn right
29-31step right behind left, step left to side, step right to side
32stomp left beside right
Start again…….
This dance is a big thank you to all my friends for their friendship and support over the last 12 months.
Steph x x x x
1-2Step right to side, close left beside
3-4step fwd on right, touch left beside
5-6step left to side, close right beside
7-8step back on left, touch right beside
Vine cross, Side toe strut, Cross toe strut
9-10step right to side, step left behind right
11-12step right to side, cross left over right
13-14touch right toes to side, drop right heel down
15-16cross left toes over right, drop left heel down
Side rock, Back rock, Step & hook, Bend knee twice
17-18rock right to side, recover on left
19-20rock back on right, recover on left
21-22step fwd on right and hook left behind right &
23-24slightly bend down and up on right knee twice
(keeping left hooked & weight on right)
Back lock step, Ronde with ¼ turn right, Sailor step, Stomp
25-27step back on left, lock right across left, step back on left
28sweep right foot round & ¼ turn right
29-31step right behind left, step left to side, step right to side
32stomp left beside right
Start again…….
This dance is a big thank you to all my friends for their friendship and support over the last 12 months.
Steph x x x x