(1-8) Step, Touch, Behind side cross and cross, Point, behind ¼ Step
1-2 Step forward onto right, Touch left toe in front of right
3&4 Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
&5-6 Step right to right side, Cross left over right, Touch right toe to right side
7&8 Step right behind left, Step forward on to left making ¼ turn left, Step forward onto right
(9-16) Step 1/2, Step 3/4, Touch and Touch, Touch coaster step
1-2 Step forward onto left, Make ½ turn right
3&4 Step forward onto left, make ½ turn left stepping back onto right, Make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side
5&6&7 Touch right next to left, Step right to right side, touch left next to right, Step left to left side, touch right next to left
&8& Step back onto right, Close left next to right, Step forward onto right
(17-24) Jazz box, Knee pop, Bump and bump, Kick and cross
1-2 Cross left over right, step back onto right
3-4 Step left to left side, Pop right knee in towards left
5&6& Bump right hip to right, Back to left, Bump hip to right, Back to left
7&8 Kick right to right side, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
(25- 32) Rock recover, Behind ¼ step, Rock recover, Behind ½ step
1-2 Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3&4 Step right behind , Make ¼ turn left stepping forward onto left, Step forward onto right
5-6 Rock forward onto left, Recover back onto right
7&8 Step back onto left, Make ½ turn right stepping forward onto right, step forward onto left
Begin Again
Wall 1 after count 20 (jazz box)
Wall 4 after count 20 add a 2nd jazz box then restart
1-2 Step forward onto right, Touch left toe in front of right
3&4 Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
&5-6 Step right to right side, Cross left over right, Touch right toe to right side
7&8 Step right behind left, Step forward on to left making ¼ turn left, Step forward onto right
(9-16) Step 1/2, Step 3/4, Touch and Touch, Touch coaster step
1-2 Step forward onto left, Make ½ turn right
3&4 Step forward onto left, make ½ turn left stepping back onto right, Make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side
5&6&7 Touch right next to left, Step right to right side, touch left next to right, Step left to left side, touch right next to left
&8& Step back onto right, Close left next to right, Step forward onto right
(17-24) Jazz box, Knee pop, Bump and bump, Kick and cross
1-2 Cross left over right, step back onto right
3-4 Step left to left side, Pop right knee in towards left
5&6& Bump right hip to right, Back to left, Bump hip to right, Back to left
7&8 Kick right to right side, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
(25- 32) Rock recover, Behind ¼ step, Rock recover, Behind ½ step
1-2 Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3&4 Step right behind , Make ¼ turn left stepping forward onto left, Step forward onto right
5-6 Rock forward onto left, Recover back onto right
7&8 Step back onto left, Make ½ turn right stepping forward onto right, step forward onto left
Begin Again
Wall 1 after count 20 (jazz box)
Wall 4 after count 20 add a 2nd jazz box then restart