32 counts intro
Split floor dance to Choreographer: Craig Bennett, England (Hands Up)
Walk Forward. Right Mambo Forward Left Mambo Back. Toe Point, R & Toe Point L
1-2 Walk forward right(1) walk forward left (2) 12:00
3&4 Rock forward w/Right foot (3)step in place w/left foot (&)bring right foot next to left (4) 12:00
3&4 Rock back w/left foot (5) step in place w/right foot (&) bring left foot next to right (6) 12:00
7&8 Touch right toe out to right side (7), step right next to left (&), touch left toe out to left side (8) 12.00
¼ Turn Left & Step Touches Forward Diagonally X2 .Point
1-2 Make ¼ turn left on left food (1) Drop Left heel to floor. (2) 9:00
3-4 Step diagonally forward right(3) touch left together (4) 9:00
5-6 Step diagonally forward left(5) touch right together(6) 9:00
7-8 Tap right toes forward.(7) tap right toes to side.(8) 9:00
Rock. Step ½ Turn. Step Lock Step X2 Right & Left
1-2 Rock on right (1) recover left (2) 9:00
3-4 Stepping forward on right make ½ turn over left Shoulder (7)and weight back on left (8) 3:00
5&6 Step forward on right (5) Lock left behind right.(&) Step forward on right (6) 3:00
7&8 Step forward on left (7) Lock right behind left (&) Step forward on left Step (8) 3:00
Kick X2 Sailor Right. Kick X2 Sailor Left
1-2 Kick Right (1)side kick Right (2)(kick down slightly with the foot) 3:00
3&4 Sailor step right (3)left (&)right (4) 3:00
5-6 Kick, left (5)side kick left (6) (kick down slightly with the foot) 3:00
7&8 Sailor Left behind right ¼ turn left (7)stepping forward right(&)S tep left forward (8) 3:00
Start Again
Linedance_neckelmann@yahoo.dk / www.freewebsite.dk/galleri_neckelmann/forside.php
Split floor dance to Choreographer: Craig Bennett, England (Hands Up)
Walk Forward. Right Mambo Forward Left Mambo Back. Toe Point, R & Toe Point L
1-2 Walk forward right(1) walk forward left (2) 12:00
3&4 Rock forward w/Right foot (3)step in place w/left foot (&)bring right foot next to left (4) 12:00
3&4 Rock back w/left foot (5) step in place w/right foot (&) bring left foot next to right (6) 12:00
7&8 Touch right toe out to right side (7), step right next to left (&), touch left toe out to left side (8) 12.00
¼ Turn Left & Step Touches Forward Diagonally X2 .Point
1-2 Make ¼ turn left on left food (1) Drop Left heel to floor. (2) 9:00
3-4 Step diagonally forward right(3) touch left together (4) 9:00
5-6 Step diagonally forward left(5) touch right together(6) 9:00
7-8 Tap right toes forward.(7) tap right toes to side.(8) 9:00
Rock. Step ½ Turn. Step Lock Step X2 Right & Left
1-2 Rock on right (1) recover left (2) 9:00
3-4 Stepping forward on right make ½ turn over left Shoulder (7)and weight back on left (8) 3:00
5&6 Step forward on right (5) Lock left behind right.(&) Step forward on right (6) 3:00
7&8 Step forward on left (7) Lock right behind left (&) Step forward on left Step (8) 3:00
Kick X2 Sailor Right. Kick X2 Sailor Left
1-2 Kick Right (1)side kick Right (2)(kick down slightly with the foot) 3:00
3&4 Sailor step right (3)left (&)right (4) 3:00
5-6 Kick, left (5)side kick left (6) (kick down slightly with the foot) 3:00
7&8 Sailor Left behind right ¼ turn left (7)stepping forward right(&)S tep left forward (8) 3:00
Start Again
Linedance_neckelmann@yahoo.dk / www.freewebsite.dk/galleri_neckelmann/forside.php