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Night Work

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Jo Kinser (UK), John Kinser (UK) & Mark Furnell (UK) - August 2010
Night Work - Scissor Sisters
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Sequence: 64, 24, 48, 56, 64’s to the end.
Start 48 counts after the Guitar Rift (0:30)

(1-8) Stomp, Step, Rock Step, Rock 1/4 Turn, Shuffle 1/2 Turn Lt
1,2 Stomp Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
3,4, Rock Rt behind Lt, Step Lt in place
5,6 Rock Rt to Rt, Step Lt fwd 1/4 turn Lt
7&8 Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Rt to Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Rt back, (3:00)

(9-16) Rock Step, Walk Fwd, Kick & Touch, Heel & Heel
1,2 Rock Lt back, Replace weight Rt
3,4 Walk fwd Lt, Rt
5&6 Kick Lt fwd, Step Lt next to Rt, Touch Rt to Rt
7&8 Touch Rt heel fwd, Step Rt next to Lt, Touch Lt heel fwd

(17-24) And Rock 1/4 Turn, Rt Crossing Shuffle, 1/2 Hinge Turn, Lt Crossing Shuffle
&1,2 Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt fwd, Make a 1/4 turn Lt (weight Lt), (12:00)
3&4 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Cross Rt in front of Lt
5,6 Make 1/4 turn Rt stepping Lt back, Make 1/4 turn Rt stepping Rt to Rt
7&8 Cross Lt in front of Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt in front of Rt, (6:00)

(25-32) Rock Step, Behind & Cross, Lt Chasse, Rt Cross Rock
1,2 Rock Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
3&4 Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Cross Rt in front of Lt
5&6 Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt to Lt
7,8 Rock Rt fwd in front of Lt, Replace weight Lt

(33-40) Step, Hold, And Step, Hold, And Rock Step, Sailor Step
1,2 Step Rt to Rt, Hold-Clap
&3,4 Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Hold-Clap
&5,6 Step Lt next to Rt, Rock Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
7&8 Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt fwd

(41-48) Stomp, Hold, And Cross Back, 1/2 Turn, Run Fwd Lt, Rt, Lt
1,2 Stomp Lt fwd, Hold
&3,4 Step Rt back, Cross Lt in front of Rt, Step Rt back
5,6 Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt to Lt, Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Rt fwd, (12:00)
7&8 Step Lt fwd, Step Rt fwd, Step Lt fwd
Restart 2.

(49-56) Rocking Chair, Step 1/2 Turn, Step 1/4 Turn
1,2 Rock Rt fwd, Replace weight Lt
3,4 Rock Rt back, Replace weight Lt
5,6 Step Rt fwd, Make 1/2 turn Lt (weight Lt), (6:00)
7,8 Step Rt fwd, Make 1/4 turn Lt (weight Lt), (3:00)
Restart 3.

(57-64) Jazz Box with a Cross, Side, Hold, Behind, Side, Cross
1,2 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step back Lt
3,4 Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt in front of Rt
5,6 Step Rt to Rt (Extend Rt hand to Rt side (Palm facing out), Hold
&7,8 Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt in front of Rt


Co-choreographers: (06.10)
Jo & John Kinser. Email: - Website:
Mark Furnell. Email: - Website:

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