CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Club Is Alive

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Shaz Walton (UK) - July 2010
The Club Is Alive - JLS
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Side touch. Side. Touch. Slow coaster. Forward.
1-2 Step right to right. Touch left beside right.
3-4 Step left to left. Touch right beside left.
5-6 Step back right. Step back left.
7-8 Step forward right. Step forward left.

Forward. Touch. Back. ½. Forward. Touch. Back. Back.
1-2 Step forward on right. Touch left behind right.
3-4 Step back on left. Make ½ right stepping right forward.
5-6 Step forward left. Touch right behind.
7-8 Walk back on right. Walk back left.

¼. Hold. Ball. Cross. Side. Bump x3. ¼ sit.
1-2 Make a sharp ¼ right stepping right to right side. Hold
&3-4 Step left beside right. Cross step right over left. Step left to left
5-6-7 Bump hips left. Bump hips right. Bump hips left.
8 Make ¼ left as you hips right & sit over right hip (weight right)

Rock recover. Step. Press. Walk back x3. ¼ side.
1-2 Rock back left. Recover right.
3-4 Step left forward. Press right forward.
5-6 Walk back left. Walk back right.
7-8 Walk back left. Make ¼ right stepping right to right side.

Cross. Unwind. Rock back. Recover. Side. Heel. Toe. Drag.
1-2 Cross left over right. Unwind ½ turn right (weight ends left)
3-4 Rock back on right. Recover on left.
5-6 Step right to right with toe pointing to right diagonal. Swivel right heel to right.
7-8 Swivel right toe to right. Take the weight on the right foot & drag left towards right. (weight right)

Side. Touch. Side. Touch. ¼ . ½ . ½ . side.
1-2 Step left to left. Touch right beside left.
3-4 Step right to right. Touch left beside right.
5-6 Make ¼ left stepping left forward. Make ½ left stepping right back.
7-8 Make ½ left stepping forward left. Step right to right. ** restart- wall 3- replace count 8 with a touch.

Ball. Cross. Hold. Ball. Cross. Point. Cross back. Point. ¼. Point.
&1-2 Step left beside right. Cross right over left. Hold.
&3-4 Step left beside right. Cross right over left. Point left to left side.
5-6 Cross step left behind right. Point right to right side.
7-8 Make ¼ right dropping weight onto right. Point left to left side.

Ball step. ¼ pivot. Step. Hitch. Ball step. Hitch. ¼ hitch. ¼ forward.
&1-2 Step left beside right. Step forward right. Make ¼ pivot turn left.
3-4 Step forward right. Hitch left up.
&5-6 Step left beside right. Step forward right. Hitch left up.
7-8 Make ¼ left on ball of right hitching left again. Make ¼ left stepping left forward.

Wall 3 – end of section 6. Replace count 8 with a touch right beside left. Start the dance again facing the front.
Wall 7- end of section 3.... slow the bumps down to match the music and drop the weight onto the left. Start the dance again from the beginning, facing the front. – 07762 410 190

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