CopperKnob Stepsheets

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French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Hands Up for California Girls

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Robert Dangerfield (UK) - June 2010
Section 1: Quarter turn left, forward shuffle, forward rock, recover, full turn back left
1-2 Step forward on right stepping a quarter turn left (9.00)
3&4 Step forward on right, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6 Rock forward on left, recover back onto right
7-8 Make a full turn left, walking back left then right

Section 2: Left Coaster step, quarter turn left, cross, side, crossing shuffle with 1/8 turn
1&2 Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward
3-4 Step right forward making a quarter turn left (6.00)
5-6 Cross step right over left, step left to left side
7&8 Cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right over left with slight 1/8 turn (4.30)

Section 3: Point and Point, kick ball change, forward rock, recover, 5/8 turn
1&2 Point left to left side, step left next to right, point right to right side
3&4 Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left in place
5-6 Rock forward on right, recover back onto left
7-8 5/8 turn right to the front wall, stepping right then left (12.00)

Section 4: Part figure of eight, side shuffle, cross rock, recover
1-2 Step right behind left, step left to left side making a quarter turn left (9.00)
3-4 Step right forward making ¾ turn left (12.00)
5&6 Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right
7-8 Cross rock left over right, recover back onto right

Section 5: ¾ turn back, left coaster step, kick ball change, hip bumps
1-2 Make a ¾ turn left stepping back left right (3.00)
3&4 Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward
5&6 Kick right forward, step right next to left step left in place
7&8& Sway right, left, right, left

Section 6: Jazz box quarter turn right, ¾ hinge turn, left shuffle forward
1-2 Cross step right over left, step left back
3-4 Step right to right making a quarter turn right, step left across right (6.00)
5-6 ¾ turn left stepping back right, left (9.00)
7&8 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward

Section 7: Point forward, modified Monterey half turn, rock and cross, rock and cross
1-2 Point left forward, point left to left
3-4 Make half a turn left stepping left forward, touch right next to left (3.00)
5&6 Rock out onto right, recover onto left, cross step right over left
7&8 Rock out onto left, recover onto right, cross step left over right

Section 8: Forward lock step, rock forward recover, ¾ turn, rock back, recover side
1&2 Step right forward, step left behind right, step right forward
Optional: when dance starts from 6.00, raise hands in time with lyric ‘put your hands up’
3-4 Rock forward onto left, recover back onto right
5-6 Make a ¾ turn left stepping back left, right (6.00)
7&8 Rock back on left, recover onto right stepping right in place, step left to left

Restart appears on wall 2 (back wall) – Dance up to end of section 4, and on count (8&) step left to left and restart the dance from the beginning on the back.

Tag appears at the end of wall 5 – Dance the whole dance and you will end up facing 6.00.
Then dance the following 16 counts on the back wall and restart the dance from the beginning on the back wall.

Tag section 1: 3x quarter turn shuffles, side shuffle
1&2 Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right making a quarter turn right (9.00)
3&4 Step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left making a quarter turn right (12.00)
5&6 Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right making a quarter turn right (3.00)
7&8 Step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left (3.00)

Tag section 2: Kick, kick, sailor half turn, kick, kick, sailor quarter turn
1-2 Kick right forward, kick right to right side
3&4 Sailor ½ turn right, stepping right behind left, half turn right stepping out left, right (9.00)
5-6 Kick left forward, kick left to left side
7&8 Sailor quarter turn left, stepping left behind right, half turn left stepping out right, left (6.00)

Ending – dance up to the end of section 4. After cross rock, recover (7-8), make a triple full turn to 12.00 and raise arms.


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