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Cinta 2 Hati (Between Two Loves)

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Elfrita Maya (INA) - June 2010
Cinta 2 Hati - Afghan
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Intro: start dancing when the vocal is coming
There are 3 restarts, during 1st, 2nd, and 4th wall
There are 2 tags, after 3rd, 5th
There is ending (finish) after 7th wall

(1-8) Cross Recover Side Cross, Side Behind, Turn 1/4 R, Forward, Pivot 1/2 R, Forward and Sweep R, Twinkle Turn 1/2 R
1-2&3 Cross R over L (1), recover on L (2), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (3)
4&5 Step R to R side (4), rock L behind R (&), turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (5) [3.00]
6&7 Step L forward (6), pivot 1/2 R weight on R (&) [9.00], step L forward (7)
&8& Sweep R from back to front (&), cross R over L (8), turn 1/4 R stepping back on L (&) [12.00]

(9-16) Right Left (Together Cross Side), Full Turn L and Sweep L,Behind, Turn 1/4 R x 2
1 Turn 1/4 R stepping R to R side (1) [3.00]
2&3 Slide L close to the R (2), cross R over L (&), large step L to L side (3)
4&5 Slide R close to the L (4), cross L over R (&), large step R to R side (5)
6&7 Turn 1/2 L stepping L forward (6) [9.00], turn 1/2 L stepping back on R (&) [3.00], sweep L from front to back (7)
8&1 Step L behind R (8), turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (&), [6.00], turn 1/4 R stepping L to L side (1) [9.00]

(17-24) Sway R-L, Diagonally Back, Together, Turn 1/8 R and Side, Behind Cross, Diagonally L Forward, Right Twinkle Turn 1/2 R
2-3 Step R to R side and sway R (2), sway L (3)
4&5 Turn body angle 45º right then step back on R (4), body angle still 45º right step L beside R, (&),turn body 1/8 R facing front then step R to R side, (5) [12.00]
6&7 Rock L behind R (6), cross R over L (&), step diagonally forward on L, body facing 10.30 (7)
8&1 Cross R over L (8), turn 1/2 R with stepping back on L (&), then finishing turning with stepping R to R side [6.00]

(25-32) Behind Cross, Diagonally L Forward, Right Shuffle Diagonally Forward, Recover, Two Full Turns To Side, Side, Close
2&3 Rock L behind R (2), cross R over L (&), step diagonally forward on L, body facing 4.30 (3)
4&*5 Body still facing 4.30, step R forward (4), step L beside R (&)*, step R forward (5)
*Restart dancing with cross R over L during 1st, 2nd and 4th wall
&6& Recover weight on L, turn body face front (&) [6.00], turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (6) [9.00], turn 3/4 R closing L beside R (&) [6.00]
7& Turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (7), turn 3/4 R closing L beside R (&)
8& Step R to R side (8), close L beside R (&)
Alternative for turns on step 6&7&: weave R side: R side, L cross, R side, L behind

Start dancing again

TAGS: 1 and 2
(1-8) Cross Recover Side, Weave Right, Cross Recover Side Weave Left
1-2&3 Cross R over L (1), recover on L (2), step R to R side (&), cross R over L (3)
&4&5 Step R to R side (&), rock L behind R (4), step R to R side (&), cross R over L (5)
6&7 Recover on L (6), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (7)
&8& Step L to L side (&), rock R behind L (8), step L to L side (&)
Start dancing 4th wall facing 6.00 wall

(1-8) (Cross Recover Side) 3x, Weave Right
1-2&3 Cross R over L (1), recover on L (2), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (3)
4&5 Recover on R (4), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (5)
6&7 Recover on L (6), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (7)
&8& Step R to R side (&), rock L behind R (8), step R to R side (&)

(9-16) Repeat part 1-8 with opposite footwork and direction

(17-20) Cross point R over L (1), hold 3 count (2-4)
Swing your right arm gracefully like ballerina style from bottom to above then side in clockwise direction (1-4)
Start dancing 6th wall facing 6.00 wall.

ENDING : after finishing 7th wall, before the music really ends:
(1-8) (Cross Recover Side)3x, Weave
1-2&3 Cross R over L (1), recover on L (2), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (3)
4&5 Recover on R (4), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (5)
6&7 Recover on L (6), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (7)
&8& Step R to R side (&), rock L behind R (8), step R to R side (&)

(9-16) (Cross Recover Side)2x, L Cross, R Forward, Pivot ½ L, R Forward, L Cross
1-2&3 Cross L over R (1), recover on L (2), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (3)
4&5 Recover on L (4), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (5)
6&7-8 Step R forward (6), pivot ½ L (&), step R forward (7), cross L over R (8)
Then swing your both arms inside-outside-above gracefully like ballerina, until the music ends

Enjoy and have fun!

Dedicated to Lani Anggrina

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