FREE download available (from 21st June) VIA our site or directly from www.jiveaces.com
Intro – after 2nd drum beat, count 8 counts (quick), start on vocals
Section 1
R Charleston, L coaster cross, hips R L R, R sailor ¼ R
1-2 Swing right round and touch in front of left, swing right back and step on it
3&4 Step left back, step right back, cross step left over right
5&6 Touching right to right side, bump hips right left right (keep weight on left)
7&8 Making a ¼ turn right stepping right back, step left to left side, step right forward (3 o’clock)
Section 2
Rock forward L, recover R, triple 1¼ L, R over heel jack, & L over heel jack with ¼ L
1-2 Rock forward onto left, recover weight back onto right
3&4 Triple 1¼ turn left stepping left right left travelling slightly left (12 o’clock)
Option – ¼ left side shuffle
5&6 Cross step right over left, step left to left side, tap right heel diagonally right
&7 Step right next to left, cross step left over right
&8 Make ¼ turn left stepping back onto right, tap left heel forward (leaning back) (9 o’clock)
Section 3
& R forward lockstep, L forward lockstep, R forward, ½ L, R forward, ¼ L
&1&2 Step left next to right, step forward onto right, lock left behind right, step forward onto right
3&4 Step forward onto left, lock right behind left, step forward onto left
Or shuffle forward if you prefer shuffles to locksteps for 1&2, 3&4
5-6 Step forward onto right, pivot ½ left (clicking fingers) (3 o’clock)
7-8 Step forward onto right, pivot ¼ left (clicking fingers) (12 o’clock)
** Optional ending – see note below**
Section 4
Heel switches R L, & R forward lockstep, L over heel jack, & R over, ¼ R, touch R
1&2 Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward
&3&4 Step left next to right, step forward onto right, lock left behind right, step forward onto right
5&6 Cross step left over right, step right to right side, tap left heel diagonally left forward
&7 Step left next to right, cross step right over left
&8 Make a ¼ turn right stepping left back, touch right next to left (3 o’clock)
Optional Ending
On last wall, you will be facing 3 o’clock doing Section 3. Change count 7 to ‘step right ¼ right’, and count 8 to ‘point left to left side’
TA DAH!!!!!!
E-Mail: alan.haywood@yahoo.com - Website: www.alanhaywood.co.uk
Intro – after 2nd drum beat, count 8 counts (quick), start on vocals
Section 1
R Charleston, L coaster cross, hips R L R, R sailor ¼ R
1-2 Swing right round and touch in front of left, swing right back and step on it
3&4 Step left back, step right back, cross step left over right
5&6 Touching right to right side, bump hips right left right (keep weight on left)
7&8 Making a ¼ turn right stepping right back, step left to left side, step right forward (3 o’clock)
Section 2
Rock forward L, recover R, triple 1¼ L, R over heel jack, & L over heel jack with ¼ L
1-2 Rock forward onto left, recover weight back onto right
3&4 Triple 1¼ turn left stepping left right left travelling slightly left (12 o’clock)
Option – ¼ left side shuffle
5&6 Cross step right over left, step left to left side, tap right heel diagonally right
&7 Step right next to left, cross step left over right
&8 Make ¼ turn left stepping back onto right, tap left heel forward (leaning back) (9 o’clock)
Section 3
& R forward lockstep, L forward lockstep, R forward, ½ L, R forward, ¼ L
&1&2 Step left next to right, step forward onto right, lock left behind right, step forward onto right
3&4 Step forward onto left, lock right behind left, step forward onto left
Or shuffle forward if you prefer shuffles to locksteps for 1&2, 3&4
5-6 Step forward onto right, pivot ½ left (clicking fingers) (3 o’clock)
7-8 Step forward onto right, pivot ¼ left (clicking fingers) (12 o’clock)
** Optional ending – see note below**
Section 4
Heel switches R L, & R forward lockstep, L over heel jack, & R over, ¼ R, touch R
1&2 Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward
&3&4 Step left next to right, step forward onto right, lock left behind right, step forward onto right
5&6 Cross step left over right, step right to right side, tap left heel diagonally left forward
&7 Step left next to right, cross step right over left
&8 Make a ¼ turn right stepping left back, touch right next to left (3 o’clock)
Optional Ending
On last wall, you will be facing 3 o’clock doing Section 3. Change count 7 to ‘step right ¼ right’, and count 8 to ‘point left to left side’
TA DAH!!!!!!
E-Mail: alan.haywood@yahoo.com - Website: www.alanhaywood.co.uk