CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Robert Dangerfield (UK) - June 2010
Commander - Kelly Rowland : (Single)
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Section 1: Kick ball change, kick ball change, jazz box cross
1&2 Start with weight on left, kick right to right diagonal, step right down, step left next to right
3&4 (repeat)
5-6 Cross step right over left, step left back (straightening up to 12.00)
7-8 step right to right, step left across right

Section 2: Side rock, crossing shuffle, hinge half turn, quarter crossing shuffle
1-2 Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3&4 Step right across left, step left behind right, step right across left
5-6 Step left to left side, half turn stepping right down to right side (6.00)
7&8 Step left across right, step right behind left, step left forward on new wall (9.00)

Section 3: Step, scuff, step, scuff, out and in, little jump back, little jump back
1-2 Step right forward, scuff left next to right and through
3-4 Step left forward, scuff right next to left and through
&5 Step right out to right side, step left out to left side
&6 Step right back to centre, step left back to centre
&7&8 Step right backwards, step left next to right, step right backwards, step left next to right

Section 4: Right coaster step, left lock step, step half turn, step a quarter turn with bumps
1&2 Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward,
3&4 Step left forward, step right behind left, step left forward
5-6 Step right forward, step half a turn left stepping left forward (3.00)
7&8& Step right forward making a quarter turn left and bump right hip to right side, bump left hip to left side, bump right hip to right side, bump left hip to left side (12.00)

Section 5: Figure of eight step (full turn), with half turn Monterey
1-2 Step right out to right side, step left behind right
3-4 Quarter turn right, stepping right to right (3.00), step left forward stepping half a turn right (9.00)
5-6 Step right forward taking weight, point left out to left side
7-8 Half a turn left stepping left to left, point right out to right side (6.00)

Section 6: Cross, side, quarter cross shuffle, left rock, recover, right coaster step
1-2 Cross step right over left, step left behind right
3&4 Step right across left, step left behind right, step right across left making a quarter turn (3.00)
5-6 Rock left forward, recover onto right
7&8 Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward

Section 7: Half turn, point out, step together, full turn, point out step together
1-2 Step right forward making half a turn left taking weight onto left (9.00)
3-4 Point right to right side, step right next to left
5-6 Step left across right making half a turn, step right back making half a turn (9.00)
7-8 point left to left, step left next to right

Section 8: Right lock step, left rock, recover, three half turns, cross, side
1&2 Step right forward, step left behind right, step right forward
3-4 Rock forward on left, recover back onto right
5-6-7 Step left back making half a turn, step right forward making half a turn, step left back making half a turn (3.00)
8& Cross step right over left, step left to left side.

Restart on wall 3 (back wall) and wall 5 (front wall). Dance up to end of section 4 (hip bumps) and restart the dance from the back on wall 3 and the front on wall 5.

Finish the dance on wall 6 at (3.00) after hip bumps, step out right left and raise arms to diagonals

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