Country Alternative: Lover, Lover By Jerrod Niemann
Toe Points, Heels, Cross Step, Side Step, Sailor Shuffle
1&2 point right toe to right side, quickly step right next to left, point left toe to left side
&3 bring left next to right, touch right heel forward
&4 bring right next to left, touch left heel forward
&5-6 bring left next to right, cross right over left, step left to left side
7&8 Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
Cross Step, Side Step, Sailor Steps, Toe Points, Heels
1-2 cross left over right, step right to right side
3&4 step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
5&6 point right toe to right side, quickly step right next to left, point left toe to left side
&7 bring left next to right, touch right heel forward
&8& bring right next to left, touch left heel forward, bring left next to right
Forward Step, 1/4 CW Turn, Sailor Shuffle with a ¼ CW Turn, Step-Lock-Steps
1-2 step forward on right, step forward on left making ¼ CW Turn
3&4 step right behind left making ¼ CW Turn, step left to side, step right next to left
5&6 step left diagonally forward, lock right behind left, step left diagonally forward
7&8 step right diagonally forward, lock left behind right, step forward on right
Hip Bumps, Forward Step, 1/2 CW Turn, Hip Bumps
1&2 Bump left hips twice
3&4 bump right hips twice
5-6 step forward on left, step right making ½ CW Turn
7&8 Bump left hips twice
End of Dance
Toe Points, Heels, Cross Step, Side Step, Sailor Shuffle
1&2 point right toe to right side, quickly step right next to left, point left toe to left side
&3 bring left next to right, touch right heel forward
&4 bring right next to left, touch left heel forward
&5-6 bring left next to right, cross right over left, step left to left side
7&8 Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
Cross Step, Side Step, Sailor Steps, Toe Points, Heels
1-2 cross left over right, step right to right side
3&4 step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
5&6 point right toe to right side, quickly step right next to left, point left toe to left side
&7 bring left next to right, touch right heel forward
&8& bring right next to left, touch left heel forward, bring left next to right
Forward Step, 1/4 CW Turn, Sailor Shuffle with a ¼ CW Turn, Step-Lock-Steps
1-2 step forward on right, step forward on left making ¼ CW Turn
3&4 step right behind left making ¼ CW Turn, step left to side, step right next to left
5&6 step left diagonally forward, lock right behind left, step left diagonally forward
7&8 step right diagonally forward, lock left behind right, step forward on right
Hip Bumps, Forward Step, 1/2 CW Turn, Hip Bumps
1&2 Bump left hips twice
3&4 bump right hips twice
5-6 step forward on left, step right making ½ CW Turn
7&8 Bump left hips twice
End of Dance