Right step together step touch, Left rock forward touch, Right rock back touch.
Left step together step touch, Right rock forward touch, Left rock back touch.
1-4 Step right to side, step left beside right, step right to side, touch left beside right.
5-8 Rock left forward, touch right toe behind, rock right back, touch left toe in front.
9-16 Repeat steps 1-8 starting on the left foot.
Right side touch, Left ¼ turn touch X 2
Right & Left cross point forward, Right & Left cross point back.
1-4 Step right to side, touch left beside right, ¼ turn left stepping left to side, touch right beside left.
5-8 Repeat steps 1-4
9-12 Cross step right over left, point left to side, cross step left over right, point right to side.
13-16 Repeat steps 9-12 in reverse
Weave to the left & point, Weave to the right & point.
1-4 Cross step right behind left, step left to side, cross step right over left, step left to side.
5-8 Cross step right behind left, step left to side, cross step right over left, point left to side.
9-16 Repeat steps 1-8 starting on the left foot
Right crossing steps x2 & point, Left crossing steps x2 & point X 2
1-4 Cross step right over left step left to side, cross step right over left point left to side
5-8 Cross step left over right step right to side, cross step left over right point right to side.
9-16 Repeat steps 1-8
SECTION 5 (The Chorus)
Right & left steps forward Right & left steps back, Right & left heel bounces
1-4 Step forward right & left, step back right & left.
5-8 Right & Left heel bounces x 4
9-32 REPEAT steps 1-8 X 3
Hand Movements for section 5 (the chorus)
1-4 Hands at chest level with palms facing, push right left right left
5-6 Hands at chest level with palms facing, push down x2
7-8 Hands at head level with palms facing in, push back x 2
RESTART (back wall) On wall 2 dance the first 16 steps then restart the dance.
Right step together step touch, Left rock forward touch, Right rock back touch.
Left step together step touch, Right rock forward touch, Left rock back touch.
1-4 Step right to side, step left beside right, step right to side, touch left beside right.
5-8 Rock left forward, touch right toe behind, rock right back, touch left toe in front.
9-16 Repeat steps 1-8 starting on the left foot.
Right side touch, Left ¼ turn touch X 2
Right & Left cross point forward, Right & Left cross point back.
1-4 Step right to side, touch left beside right, ¼ turn left stepping left to side, touch right beside left.
5-8 Repeat steps 1-4
9-12 Cross step right over left, point left to side, cross step left over right, point right to side.
13-16 Repeat steps 9-12 in reverse
Weave to the left & point, Weave to the right & point.
1-4 Cross step right behind left, step left to side, cross step right over left, step left to side.
5-8 Cross step right behind left, step left to side, cross step right over left, point left to side.
9-16 Repeat steps 1-8 starting on the left foot
Right crossing steps x2 & point, Left crossing steps x2 & point X 2
1-4 Cross step right over left step left to side, cross step right over left point left to side
5-8 Cross step left over right step right to side, cross step left over right point right to side.
9-16 Repeat steps 1-8
SECTION 5 (The Chorus)
Right & left steps forward Right & left steps back, Right & left heel bounces
1-4 Step forward right & left, step back right & left.
5-8 Right & Left heel bounces x 4
9-32 REPEAT steps 1-8 X 3
Hand Movements for section 5 (the chorus)
1-4 Hands at chest level with palms facing, push right left right left
5-6 Hands at chest level with palms facing, push down x2
7-8 Hands at head level with palms facing in, push back x 2
RESTART (back wall) On wall 2 dance the first 16 steps then restart the dance.