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There's Not Much Love Here Anymore

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Leonard Hage (NL) - March 2010
There's Not Much Love Here Anymore - Vince Gill : (CD: The Key)
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Intro: Start the dance after 16 counts

(1 – 8) Step, Rock, Cross, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Cross; Repeat
1 Big step left to side
2&3 Rock back on right, (&)cross left over right, turn 1/4 left and step back on right [9:00]
4& Turn 1/4 left and left step to side, (&) cross right over left [6:00]
5 Big step left to side
6&7 Rock back on right, (&)cross left over right, turn 1/4 left and step back on right [3:00]
8& Turn 1/4 left and left step to side, (&)cross right over left [12:00]

(9 – 16) Step, Coaster Step, Step, 1/2 Pivot, Step, Lockstep Forward, Rock&Recover
1 Step left to side
2&3 Step back on right, (&)step left beside right, step forward on right
4&5 Step forward on left, (&)pivot 1/2 turn to right, step forward on left [6:00]
6&7 Step forward on right, (&)step left behind right, step forward on right
8& Rock left to side, (&)recover onto right

(17 – 24) 1/4 Turn, Behind&Cross, Chasse, Rock&Recover, 1/2 Turn, Rock&Recover
1 Turn 1/4 left and left step to side [3:00]
2&3 Step right behind left, (&)step left to side, cross right over left
4&5 Step left to side, (&)step right next to left, step left to side
6&7 Rock forward on right, (&)recover on left, turn 1/2 right and step forward on right [9:00]
8& Rock forward on left, (&) recover on right

(25 – 32) Sweep, Sweep, Back Shuffle, 1/2 Sailor, Rock&Recover, Rock&Recover
1 Sweep left from front to back and step left back
2 Sweep right from front to back and step right back
3&4 Shuffle back left, right, left
5&6 Turn 1/2 right cross right behind left, (&) step left next to right, step right forward [3:00]
7& Rock forward on left, (&) recover on right
8& Rock back on left, (&)recover on right

Start again

Ending: On final wall (3:00 o'clock) dance up to count 26 (section 4, count 1 - 2) add the following steps.
3 Turn 1/4 left and cross left behind right
& Step right next to left
4 Step left forward (12:00)
5 Big step right to right side
6 - 8 Slide left together

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