CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Oh Ruby!

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Debbie McLaughlin (UK) - January 2010
Ruby Blue - Róisín Murphy : (CD: Ruby Blue)
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Count In: After 32 Counts on lyrics 'Why do you make a start..'
Ending - On the last 'B' - after 32 counts, make 1/4 L stepping R to R side to face front to end
Sequence: ABAAABAB

Side, Sweep, Behind, Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Step 1/4 Turn, Cross Side Behind
1 2 3 Step R to R side, Cross L behind R (sweeping R around), Cross R behind L
4&5 Step L to L, Step R next to L, making 1/4 turn L step forward L (facing 9 o clock)
6-7 Step forward R, pivot 1/4 L taking weight onto L (facing 6 o clock)
8&1 Cross R over L, Step L to L, Cross R behind L (Sweeping L around anti-clockwise)

Sweep & Touch, Turn Hitch, Step Pivot Turn, Ball Step
2&3 Continue sweeping L around for count 2, step back on L, Touch R in front of L (sitting slightly)
&4 Step forward onto R, Make a 3/8 turn L dragging L toe up to R (facing 2 o clock diagonal)
5 6 7 Still facing diagonal step forward L, Step forward R, Pivot 1/2 turn L taking weight forward onto L (facing 7 o clock)
&8 Step R next to L, Step L big step forward towards diagonal

Cross Back, Side & Side & Turn Hitch, Ball, Walk Walk
1 2 Squaring up to 9 o clock wall cross R over L, step back on L
3&4& Travelling slightly backwards towards 2 o clock diagonal step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R, step L next to R (you will still be facing 9 o clock)
5 6 Making 1/4 turn R step forward on R, hitch L knee up and spin 1/2 turn R (facing 6 o clock)
& 7 8 Step L next to R, Walk forward R, L

Heel & Drag, Ball Cross, 1/4, 1/2, Rock & Back Turn
1&2 Touch R heel forward, Step R next to L, Step L a big step to L side
3&4 Drag R towards L, Step R beside L, Cross L over R
5 6 Making 1/4 turn L step back on R, making 1/2 turn L step forward L (facing 9 o clock)
7&8& Rock forward onto R, recover back to L, Step back on R, making 1/2 turn L step forward L (end wall facing 3 o clock)

Walk, Step 1/2 Turn, Walk, Step 3/4 Turn
1 2 Walk Forward R, Hold
3 4 Step forward L, pivot 1/2 turn R taking weight forward on R
5 6 Walk forward L, Hold
7 8 Step forward R, pivot/unwind 3/4 turn L taking weight on L

Step, Rock, Recover, Back Lock Back, Kick Out Out, Ball Step
1 2 3 Step forward on R, Rock forward onto L, recover back onto R
4&5 Step back on L, Lock R over L, Step back on L
6&7 Kick R forward, Step R out to R side, Step L out to L side
&8 Step R foot to centre, Step L big step forward

Repeat above 16 counts again

Step, Rock & Cross, Rock & Cross & Behind & Rock
1 Step forward R
2&3 Rock L out to L side, Recover weight onto R, Cross L over R
4& Rock R out to R side, Recover weight onto L
5&6&7 Cross R over L, Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Rock L out to L side, Recover weight onto R

Sailor Step, Sailor Step, Behind Side Cross Shuffle, & Rock, Back Turn
8&1 Cross L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L in place
2&3 Cross R behind L, Step L to L side, Step R in place
4&5&6 Cross L behind R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R
&7 Making 1/4 R rock forward onto R, Recover weight back onto L
8& Step back on R, making 1/2 turn L step forward L

Start Again and ENJOY!!
Note: On the 3rd and 5th repeat of part A, she sings ‘STOP...’ on the very first count (step R to R side). For styling you can put both hands out to the side of your body, and make the step strong so that it hits the break.

1 評論

Pismo September 25, 2018

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