CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Elvis Blues

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Phrased Intermediate
Anita Koefoed (DK) - March 2010
A Mess of Blues - Elvis Presley : (CD: 2nd to None)
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Dedicated to Hanne on her 50th Birthday.

16 count intro - A - A - B - A - B - A + 32 counts A

A - 48 counts
Rock step, ¼ turn right x 2, Jump and touch x 2.
1 - 2 Rock forward on right. Recover left
3 - 4 ¼ turn right stepping on right, ¼ turn right stepping on left
& 5 - 6 Jump to right side, touch left beside right, HOLD 6
& 7 -8 Jump to left side, touch right beside left, HOLD 8 (6 o’clock)

Rock step, ¼ turn left x 2, Point left and right.
& 1 - 2 Change to weight on right (&), Rock forward left, recover right
3 - 4 ¼ turn left stepping on left, ¼ turn left stepping on right
5 - 6 Point left to left side, HOLD 6
& 7 - 8 Step left beside right, point right to right side, HOLD 8 (12 o’clock)

Rock step, Coaster back, Weave, ¼ turn left and left hook, Step forward.
1 - 2 Rock forward on right. Recover left
3 & 4 Coaster back, right
5 - 6 Cross left in front of, step right to right side
7 - 8 On the spot, ¼ turn left with a left hook. Step forward, left. (9 o’clock)

Forward right, left. Lockstep. Rocking Chair.
1 - 2 Step forward right, left.
3 & 4 Lock step right
Ending here
5 - 8 Rock forward left, recover right 5-6, left. Back rock left, recover right 7-8

Pivot ½ turn right. Shuffle. ¼ Paddle turn left x 2.
1 - 4 Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right 1-2, Shuffle forward left, right, left 3&4.
5 - 8 ¼ paddle turn left x 2

Cross side, cross shuffle. Sway.
1 - 4 Cross right on front of left, step left to left side 1-2, cross shuffle right 3 & 4
5 - 8 Step left to left side with a sway 5, sway right, left 6-7, HOLD 8. (9 o’clock)

B - 32 counts
Jump Out-out. Bounce. Sailor step x 2.
&1 - 4 Jump out on right &, jump out on left 1, HOLD 2. Bounce both heels twice 3-4
5 & 6 Sailor step - Cross right behind left - 5, step left to left side - &, step on right - 6
7 & 8 Sailor step - Cross left behind right - 7, step right to right side - &, step on left - 8

Touch unwind. Shuffle forward. Vine, cross over.
1 - 2 Touch right behind left 1, unwind ½ turn right 2
3 & 4 Shuffle forward left,right,left
5 - 8 Vine right 5-7, cross left over right 8

Jump Out-out. Bounce. Sailor step x 2.
& 1 - 4 Jump out on right &, jump out on left 1, HOLD 2. Bounce both heels twice 3-4
5 & 6 Sailor step - Cross right behind left - 5, step left to left side - &, step on right - 6
7 & 8 Sailor step - Cross left behind right - 7, step right to right side - &, step on left - 8

Behind, ½ turn left and step. Rock step. Coaster back.
1 - 4 Cross right behind left 1, ½ turn left step on left 2, forward right 3, HOLD 4
5 - 6 Rock forward left 5, recover right 6
7 & 8 Coaster Back left right left 7& 8

Dance A-part up to count 4 in section 4 - Facing 3 o’clock. Replace the rocking Chair with:
5 - 8 Rock forward 5, recover 6, ¼ left 7, step forward right 8

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