Start dancing on lyrics
Toe Forward, Toe Side, Toe Forward, Step, Slide
1-2 Touch right toe forward, touch right toe next to left
3-4 Touch right to side, touch right together
5-6 Touch right toe forward, touch right toe next to left
7-8 Step right to side, slide left toe next to right (weight on right)
Toe Forward, Toe Side, Toe Forward, Step, Slide
1-2 Touch left toe forward, touch left toe next to right
3-4 Touch left to side, touch left together
5-6 Touch left toe forward, touch left toe next to right
7-8 Step left to side, slide right toe next to left (weight on left)
Step Forward, Slide (Twice) Step Back, Slide (Twice)
1-2 Step right forward at diagonal, slide left toe next to right (weight on right)
3-4 Step left forward at diagonal, slide right toe next to left (weight on left)
5-6 Step right back at diagonal, slide left toe next to right (weight on right)
7-8 Step left back at diagonal, slide right toe next to left (weight on left)
Diagonal Steps Forward, Diagonal Steps Back, ¼ Turn To The Right Jazz Box
1-2 Step right forward at diagonal, step left forward at diagonal (feet shoulder weight apart)
3-4 Step right back to center, step left together (counts 1-4 create a "V")
5-6 Cross right over left, step left back making ¼ turn to the right
7-8 Step right to side, step left forward
Toe Forward, Toe Side, Toe Forward, Step, Slide
1-2 Touch right toe forward, touch right toe next to left
3-4 Touch right to side, touch right together
5-6 Touch right toe forward, touch right toe next to left
7-8 Step right to side, slide left toe next to right (weight on right)
Toe Forward, Toe Side, Toe Forward, Step, Slide
1-2 Touch left toe forward, touch left toe next to right
3-4 Touch left to side, touch left together
5-6 Touch left toe forward, touch left toe next to right
7-8 Step left to side, slide right toe next to left (weight on left)
Step Forward, Slide (Twice) Step Back, Slide (Twice)
1-2 Step right forward at diagonal, slide left toe next to right (weight on right)
3-4 Step left forward at diagonal, slide right toe next to left (weight on left)
5-6 Step right back at diagonal, slide left toe next to right (weight on right)
7-8 Step left back at diagonal, slide right toe next to left (weight on left)
Diagonal Steps Forward, Diagonal Steps Back, ¼ Turn To The Right Jazz Box
1-2 Step right forward at diagonal, step left forward at diagonal (feet shoulder weight apart)
3-4 Step right back to center, step left together (counts 1-4 create a "V")
5-6 Cross right over left, step left back making ¼ turn to the right
7-8 Step right to side, step left forward