CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Homegrown Man

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Alan Haywood (UK) - January 2010
Louisiana Homegrown Man - Christopher Tompson
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Intro – 32 counts – start on vocals

Section 1
Rock forward R, recover L, R back lock step, pivot ½ L, R forward, L forward, touch R
1-2 Rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left
3&4 Step back onto right, lock left over right, step back onto right
5-6 Pivot ½ turn left stepping left forward, step forward onto right (6 o'clock)
7-8 Step forward onto left, touch right next to left

Section 2
Rock forward R, recover L, ¼ R shuffle, weave R, point R
1-2 Rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left
3&4 Make ¼ turn right stepping right side, close left next to right, step right to right side (9 o'clock)
5-6 Cross step left over right, step right to right side
7-8 Cross step left behind right, point right to right side

Section 3
R over, point L, L over, point R, R forward, ½ L, R forward, touch L
1-2 Cross step right over left, point left to left side
3-4 Cross step left over right, point right to right side
5-6 Step forward onto right, pivot ½ turn left (3 o'clock)
7-8 Step forward onto right, touch left next to right

Section 4
Rock forward L, recover R, L back lockstep, rock back R, recover L, & L forward, touch R
1-2 Rock forward onto left, recover weight back onto right
3&4 Step back onto left, lock right over left, step back onto left
5-6 Rock back onto right, recover weight forward onto left
&7-8 Step right next to left, step left forward, touch right next to left


Unfortunately, to keep the dance phased with the music, there are 2 very short, easy tags.

They are easy to spot – they are done after he sings the words `Louisiana Homegrown Man'.
Please don't be put off by these tags, the song is really nice and you just won't miss them!

Tag 1 done at the end of walls 1 (3 o'clock) and 6 (6 o'clock)

Tag 2 done at the end of walls 2 (6 o'clock) and 7 (9 o'clock)

Tag 1 – 16 counts – see below
R grapevine, touch L, L forward rocking chair
1-2 Right to right side, cross step left behind right
3-4 Step right to right side, touch left next to right
5-6 Rock forward onto left, recover weight back onto right
7-8 Rock back onto left, recover weight forward onto right L grapevine, touch R,R forward rocking chair

1-2 Left to left side, cross step right behind left
3-4 Step left to left side, touch right next to left
5-6 Rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left
7-8 Rock back onto right, recover weight forward onto left

Tag 2 - 8 counts – Right grapevine, touch left, Left grapevine, touch right

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