CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Save The Moment

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Gordon Timms (UK) - January 2010
Save the Moment (Radio Version) - Fancy : (Album: Fancy - Maxi Singles)
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32 Count intro……Start on the vocals…

SECTION 1: Step to Right side, Cross Rock & Recover, ¼ Turn Left, Step, Pivot ½ Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left, Rock Back & Recover, Rock Back & Recover.
1 On the right foot…Make a reasonably long step to the right.
2 & 3 Cross rock left over right, recover weight back on to right, make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on left. (9.00)
4 & 5 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, (3.00) Make another ¼ turn left stepping right to right side. (12.00)
6 & 7 Rock back left behind right, recover weight on to right, step left to left side.
8 & Rock back right behind left, recover on to left.
Faces 12.00

SECTION 2: Step to Right side, Rock Back & Recover, Step to Left Side, Rock Back & Recover, Step, Touch, Step, Rock & Recover, Step to Left side, and Touch.
1 2 & Step right to right side, rock left behind right, recover on to right
3 4 & Step left to left side, rock back right behind left, recover on to left.
5 6 & Step forward on right, step and close left next to right (with weight), step short step forward on right.
7 & Rock to the side on the left, recover back on to right. (Quick hip sways will do it)
8 & Make a reasonably long step to the left, close with right and touch next to left. (Weight on left)
Faces 12.00
Restart here end of wall 2…

SECTION 3: Step to Right side, Rock Back & Recover, Behind, Side & Cross, Side Rock & Cross, ¼ Turn Left, ¼ Turn left, into Close Balance Step.
1 On the right foot…Make a reasonably long step to the right.
2 & 3 Rock back left behind right, recover weight on to right, step left to left side.
4 & 5 Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left.
6 & 7 Rock left out to left side, recover on to right, cross left over right.
8 & Making a ¼ turn left step back on right foot, making a ¼ turn left step left to left side.
a Close right next to left with weight!
Faces 6.00

SECTION 4: Step to left side, Rock & Recover, ¼ Turn right, ½ Turn Right, ¼ Turn right, Cross Rock & Recover, Step, Rock, Recover, Step, Close, Step.
1 2 & Make a reasonably long step left to left side, rock right behind left, recover on to left.
3 4 & Stepping right forward turn ¼ right, turning ½ turn right step left back, turning ¼ right step right to right side.
5 6 & Cross rock left over right, recover on to right, step left to left side.
7 & Rock back right behind left, recover on to left.
8 & Step right to right side, close and step left next to right. (Weight on left)
Faces 6.00

RESTART: At the end of wall 2 (12.00) dance the whole of Section 1 & 2 and then restart the dance again!

FINISH: As the music fades dance through to Section 3 (6&7) change (7) to step left next to right. (12.00)


Line Dancing with Gordon & Glenys (UK) Home: 01793 490697 Mobile: 07787 383059

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