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New Train

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William Sevone (UK) - January 2010
New Train - John Prine : (Album: Lost Dogs)
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Choreographers note:- A Linedance QQS Rumba that is ideal for those new to the Intermediate level.
The first 16 counts are similar to a Fwd-Fwd-Lock-Hold ..and can be used – though the original styling will disappear.
As the first 16 counts travels, an adaptation has been created by Candy Tan (S’pore) for smaller dance areas (see video).
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the (no backing/Acapella) vocals after the intro.

2x Fwd-Together-Behind-Hold (12:00)
1 – 4 Step forward onto left. Step right next to left – slightly forward. Step left behind right – to right side. Hold
5 – 8 Step forward onto right. Step left next to right – slightly forward. Step right behind left – to left side. Hold.

2x Fwd-Together-Behind-Hold (12:00)
9 – 12 Step forward onto left. Step right next to left – slightly forward. Step left behind right – to right side. Hold
13 – 16 Step forward onto right. Step left next to right – slightly forward. Step right behind left – to left side. Hold.
Adaptation Counts 1-16: Where dance space is restricted do the following option.
Step forward left. Right together. Rock left back diagonal right. Hold
Recover weight to right. Left together. Rock right back diagonal left. Hold.

Fwd. 1/4 Side. 1/4 Back Kick. Together. Fwd. Lock. Fwd. Hold (6:00)
17 – 20 Step forward onto left. Turn ¼ left & step right to right. Turn ¼ left & kick left backward. Step left next to right.
21 – 24 Step forward onto right. Lock left behind right. Step forward onto right. Hold

2x Fwd-Lock-Fwd-Hold (6:00)
25 – 28 Step forward onto left. Lock right behind left. Step forward onto left. Hold.
29 – 32 Step forward onto right. Lock left behind right. Step forward onto right. Hold

Fwd. 1/4 Side. 1/4 Back Kick. Together. Rock. Rock Back. Recover. Hold (12:00)
33 – 36 Step forward onto left. Turn ¼ left & step right to right. Turn ¼ left & kick left backward. Step left next to right.
37 – 40 Rock forward onto right. Rock backward onto left. Recover onto right. Hold

2x Jazz Box-Hold (12:00)
41 – 44 Cross left over right. Step backward onto right. Step left to left side. Hold.
45 – 48 Cross right over left. Step backward onto left. Step right to right side. Hold.

2x 1/4 Rock-Recover-1/4 Side-Hold (12:00)
49 – 52 Turn ¼ right & rock forward onto left. Recover onto right. Turn ¼ left & step left to left side. Hold
53 – 56 Turn ¼ left & rock forward onto right. Recover onto left. Turn ¼ right & step right to right side. Hold.

Rock. Recover. Back. Hold. Rock Back. Recover. 1/4 Fwd. Hold (3:00)
57 – 60 Rock forward onto left. Recover onto right. Step backward onto left. Hold.
61 – 64 Rock backward onto right. Recover onto left. Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right. Hold.

Dance Finish: Wall 7 count 12 (facing 6:00)
To finish facing 12:00 simply replace the ‘Hold’ (count 12) with ‘Unwind ½ turn left’.

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