CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Get Enough

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Laura K. - October 2009
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson : (3:56)
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Start 16 counts after music starts. Weight starts on left foot.

Toe Touches X 3 (Elvis Style), Hold, Toe Points X 3 (Disco Style), Hold
1&2& Touch right toe slightly forward while bending right knee in front of left, step right beside left, touch left toe slightly forward while bending left knee in from of right, step left beside right
3,4 Touch right toe slightly forward while bending right knee in front of left, hold for 1 count
5&6& Point right toe to right side while leaning upper body to left, step right beside left (straighten upper body) , point left toe to left side while leaning upper body to right, step left beside right (straighten upper body)
7,8 Point right toe to right side while leaning upper body to left, hold for 1 count
(arm movements for counts 5-8;((5)) extend right arm straight up with index finger pointing
skyward, ((&)) return right arm to your side, ((6)) extend left arm straight up with index finger
pointing skyward, ((&)) return left arm to your side, ((7)) extend right arm straight up with index
finger pointing skyward, ((8)) hold for 1 count)

¼ Turn Shuffle, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn Shuffle, ¼ Turn Pivot
1&2 Step right to right side, step left beside right, make ¼ right stepping forward right
3,4 Rock forward onto left foot, recover onto right
5&6 Make ¼ left stepping left to left side, step right beside left, make ¼ left stepping left forward
7,8 Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn left putting weight on left

Sailor Step X 2, Jazz Box
1&2 Step right behind left, step left beside right, step right to right side
3&4 Step left behind right, step right beside left, step left to left side
5,6,7,8 Step right over left, step back left, step right to right side, step forward left

Step, Slide, Step, Touch X 2 (Salsa Style)
1,2 Step right foot diagonally forward right (while keeping upper body straight, angle hips to left), slide left foot beside right and step on it (straighten hips)
3,4 Step right foot diagonally forward right (while keeping upper body straight, angle hips to left), touch left toe beside right foot
5,6 Step left foot diagonally forward left, (while keeping upper body straight, angle hips to right), slide right foot beside left and step on it (straighten hips)
7,8 Step left foot diagonally forward left, (while keeping upper body straight, angle hips to right), touch right toe beside left foot


Restart –On the 10th wall after 16 counts, start again. After you do the ½ turn shuffle and ¼ turn pivot, you’ll be facing the front wall, start the dance again from the beginning. (restart works with version that is 3 min. 56 sec. long)

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