CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dougie D (UK) - October 2009
Pencil Full of Lead - Paolo Nutini
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Intro, start after words, 1234. (B,P,M Fast!!!)

Charleston steps,
1-2 swing right out and fwd, swing right out and back,
3-4 swing left out and back, swing left out and fwd
5-8 repeat steps 1-2 and 3-4,

Cross and side rocks, toe struts x 2, coasting step.
1&2& cross rock right over left, recover on left, rock right to right side, recover on left,
3&4& repeat steps 1&2&
5&6& cross toe strut, right over left, drop right heel left toe strut, drop left heel,
7&8 step back on right, step left beside right, step fwd on right, (steps 5-8 danced slightly diagonally left )

jazz box with 1/4 turn left, side, close, side close side to left.
1-2 cross left over right, step back on right
3-4 step left beside right with 1/4 turn left. step right beside left,
5-6 step left to left side, step right beside left,
7&8 step left to left side, step right beside left, step left to left side,

Walk fwd x 2, fwd mambo, walk back x 2, back mambo.
1-2 walk fwd on right and left
3&4 step fwd on right, step left in place, step right beside left,
5-6 walk back on left and right,
7&8 step back on left, step right in place, step left beside right,

Two kicks fwd on right, coaster step, two kicks fwd on left, coaster step.
1-2 kick right leg fwd, kick right leg diagonally right and fwd,
3&4 step back on right, step left beside right, step fwd on right,
5-6 kick left leg fwd, kick left leg diagonally left and fwd,
7&8 step back on left, step right beside left, step fwd on left,

Step 1/2 turn, fwd shuffle x2.
1-2 step fwd on right, pivot 1/2 turn left,
3&4 shuffle fwd, stepping right, left, right,
5-6 step fwd on left, pivot 1/2 turn right,
7&8 shuffle fwd, stepping left, right, left,

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