Intermediate / Advanced
Step, Hitch, Ball Step, Hitch, Ball Step, Touch, ¼ Turn Left, Step.
1,2& Step forward on right, hitch right leg up, step right next to left.
3,4& Step forward on left , hitch left leg up, step left next to right
5,6 Step forward on right, touch left next to right
7,8 Turn ¼ turn left leaving weight on right, step forward left
Step Together, Knee Pops, Shuffle Back, Left Side Chasse, Touch Bump & Bump.
1&2 Step right next to left, pop both knees out, pop both knees in
3&4 Step back on right, step left next to right, step back on right
5&6 Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
7&8 Touch right slightly to the right as you bump your hips right, left, right
(As you do the last bump put weight down onto right)
Touch Bump & Bump, Touch Behind, Kick & Touch, Walk Forward, Step Out.
1&2 Touch left slightly to left as you bump your hips left, right, left
3 Touch right behind left
4&5 Kick right to right diagonal, step down on right, touch left next to right
6,7 Step forward on left, step forward on right
8 Step left out to left side
Split Right, Split Left, Step Back, ¼ Turn Right, Coaster Step.
1,2 Split right heel out to right, bring right heel back in
3,4 Split left heel out to left, bring left heel back in
5,6 Step back on left, make a ¼ turn right stepping right to right side
7&8 Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
(Restarts happen here on walls 1 and 4)
Cross, Side Together, Rock Recover, Walk Back, Coaster Step
1&2 Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right next to left
3,4 Rock forward on left, recover back onto right
5,6 Walk back on left, walk back on right
7&8 Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
Hold, Ball Step, Sailor ½ Turn Right, Touch Slide, Step Out Out
1&2 Hold, step right next to left, step forward on left
3&4 Cross right behind left making ¼ turn right, step left to left making ¼ turn right, step right to right side
5,6 Touch left next to right, slide right back as you put left heel down
7,8 Step right to right side, Step left to left side
Hold, Ball Step Side, Hitch, Ball Touch, Walk Back, Shuffle ½ Turn Left.
1&2 Hold, Step right next to left, step left to left side
3&4 Hitch right leg up, step right next to left, touch left forward
(angling your body towards right diagonal)
5,6 Walk back on left, walk back on right
(Straightening your body back to the 6 o clock wall)
7&8 Step forward on left making ½ turn left, step right next to left step forward left
Step ½ Turn Step, Kick & Touch, Step Out Out, Swivel Toes, Heels, Toes.
1&2 Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, step right forward
3&4 Kick left forward, step down onto left, touch right next to left
5,6 Step right out to right, step left out to left
7&8 Swivel both toes in, swivel both heels in, swivel both toes in
(Bringing feet together as you do this)
&1 Step back on right, touch left forward
&2 Step back on left, touch right forward
&3 Step right next to left, touch left to left side
&4 Step left next to right, touch right to right side
Restarts: on wall 1 and 4 - Dance up to and including count 32 and then begin the dance again.
Tag: happens on the end of wall 5 - After the tag dance the dance as normal until the end.
1,2& Step forward on right, hitch right leg up, step right next to left.
3,4& Step forward on left , hitch left leg up, step left next to right
5,6 Step forward on right, touch left next to right
7,8 Turn ¼ turn left leaving weight on right, step forward left
Step Together, Knee Pops, Shuffle Back, Left Side Chasse, Touch Bump & Bump.
1&2 Step right next to left, pop both knees out, pop both knees in
3&4 Step back on right, step left next to right, step back on right
5&6 Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
7&8 Touch right slightly to the right as you bump your hips right, left, right
(As you do the last bump put weight down onto right)
Touch Bump & Bump, Touch Behind, Kick & Touch, Walk Forward, Step Out.
1&2 Touch left slightly to left as you bump your hips left, right, left
3 Touch right behind left
4&5 Kick right to right diagonal, step down on right, touch left next to right
6,7 Step forward on left, step forward on right
8 Step left out to left side
Split Right, Split Left, Step Back, ¼ Turn Right, Coaster Step.
1,2 Split right heel out to right, bring right heel back in
3,4 Split left heel out to left, bring left heel back in
5,6 Step back on left, make a ¼ turn right stepping right to right side
7&8 Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
(Restarts happen here on walls 1 and 4)
Cross, Side Together, Rock Recover, Walk Back, Coaster Step
1&2 Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right next to left
3,4 Rock forward on left, recover back onto right
5,6 Walk back on left, walk back on right
7&8 Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
Hold, Ball Step, Sailor ½ Turn Right, Touch Slide, Step Out Out
1&2 Hold, step right next to left, step forward on left
3&4 Cross right behind left making ¼ turn right, step left to left making ¼ turn right, step right to right side
5,6 Touch left next to right, slide right back as you put left heel down
7,8 Step right to right side, Step left to left side
Hold, Ball Step Side, Hitch, Ball Touch, Walk Back, Shuffle ½ Turn Left.
1&2 Hold, Step right next to left, step left to left side
3&4 Hitch right leg up, step right next to left, touch left forward
(angling your body towards right diagonal)
5,6 Walk back on left, walk back on right
(Straightening your body back to the 6 o clock wall)
7&8 Step forward on left making ½ turn left, step right next to left step forward left
Step ½ Turn Step, Kick & Touch, Step Out Out, Swivel Toes, Heels, Toes.
1&2 Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, step right forward
3&4 Kick left forward, step down onto left, touch right next to left
5,6 Step right out to right, step left out to left
7&8 Swivel both toes in, swivel both heels in, swivel both toes in
(Bringing feet together as you do this)
&1 Step back on right, touch left forward
&2 Step back on left, touch right forward
&3 Step right next to left, touch left to left side
&4 Step left next to right, touch right to right side
Restarts: on wall 1 and 4 - Dance up to and including count 32 and then begin the dance again.
Tag: happens on the end of wall 5 - After the tag dance the dance as normal until the end.