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Tango Argentino (El Choclo)

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Connie van den Bos (NL) - September 2009
El Choclo - Julio Iglesias : (CD: Tango)
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32 count intro start on Vocals

(1-8) Step Right Forward and Across, Hold, Step Left Forward and Across, Hold, Step Forward, Together, 1/4 Turn Right, Step Forward, Hold
1,2,3,4 Step Right forward and across Left, Hold, Step Left forward and across Right, Hold
5,6,7,8 Step Forward on Right, Step Left next to Right, Turn 1/4 right and step forward on Right, Hold (3 o’clock)

(9-16) Step Forward, 1/2 Turn Left, Step Back, Hook, Step, Flick Behind, Step Back, Hook
1,2,3 Step forward on Left, Turn 1/2 Left en step back on Right, Step back on Left
4,5 Hook Right before Left shin, Step forward on Right
6,7,8 Flick Left behind Right leg, Step back on Left in place, Hook Right before Left shin (9 o’clock)

(17-24) Step Forward, Hold, Step Lock Step, Point, Hold, Ronde, Step Back, Hold
1,2 Step forward on Right, Hold
3&4 Step forward on Left, Lock step Right behind Left, Step forward on Left
5,6,7,8 Touch Right forward, Hold, Sweep Right out and around and step behind Left, Hold (9 o’clock)

(25-32) Step Lock Step, 1/4 Turn Left, Point, Hold, Montery Turn 1/2 Right, Point, Together, Hold
1&2 Step forward on Left, Lock step Right behind Left, Step forward on Left
3,4 Turn 1/4 left and point Right to right side (look to right), Hold
5,6,7,8 Turn 1/2 right and step Right next to Left, Point Left to left side (look to left), Step Left next to Right, Hold (12 o’clock)
***Restart here in wall 3, facing back wall (6 o’clock)

(33-40) Point, Fick Behind, Side, Together, Step Forward, Hold, Step Forward, 1/2 Turn Right
1,2 Point Right to right side, Flick Right behind Left leg (look to left)
3,4,5,6 Step Right to right side, Step Left next to Right, Step forward on Right, Hold
7,8 Step forward on Left, Turn 1/2 right (weight on Right) (6 o’clock)

(41-48) Step Forward, Flick, Rock Forward, Recover, Rock Forward, Ronde, Cross, Ronde
1,2 Step forward on Left, Flick Right (outside to right back diagonal)
3,4 Rock Step Right across Left, Recover on Left
5,6 Rock Step Right across Left, Sweep left out and around from back to front
7,8 Step Left forward and across Right, Sweep Right out and around from back to front (6 o’clock)
Note: When you sweep your leg around, swivel the foot you are standing on, in the direction of the sweep

(49-56) Cross, 3/4 Turn Right, Hold, Step, Lock, Step, Hold
1,2,3,4 Step Right across Left, Turn 1/4 right and step back on Left, Turn 1/2 right and step forward on Right, Hold
5,6,7,8 Step forward on Left, Lock step Right behind Left, Step forward on Left, Hold (3 o’clock)

(57-64) Hitch, Cross Touch Forward, Hitch, Step Back, Coaster Cross, Hold
1,2,3,4 Hitch Right, cross touch Right before Left, Hitch Right, Step Right behind Left
5,6,7,8 Step back on Left, Step Right next to Left, Step Left forward and across Right, Hold (3 o’clock)
Note: Keep your toes in touch with the floor with all the ronde’s

Start Again

Restart: During 3 wall, dance the First 4 sections (count 32)Then start the dance again from the beginning facing the back wall.

Finish: The dance will finish in wall 5 looking at the front wall, there is 1 count left in the Music. Instead of the Hold (count 8), Flick R behind left leg, then step RV to right side and pose (1)

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