CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ol' Skool Company

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Rona Kaye (USA) - April 2009
Ol' Skool Company - Prince : (CD: Lotus Flower)
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(Note: Track can be faded out at 4:00 minutes, after lyrics “power to the people”…)

Ball, change w/touches, 2 ¼ turns into body roll & upper body contraction:
(Note: The first two steps of the dance are the end of the triple step that is at the end of the dance.)
& 1 Quick step forward R, step L foot slightly forward and in front of the R 12:00
2-3 Touch R toe forward, touch R toe back
& Turn ¼ to R as elbows come into your waist (arms bent at 90 degrees) 3:00
4 Repeat this ¼ turn R with the arms staying steady bringing your weight onto the L 6:00
5-7 Body roll forward to back--use your hands/arms to assist you in the roll—they come down as you roll forward in the chest and then come up again to just head height by the time you are finished with the 3 count roll, weight ends on the L 6:00
& 8 Upper body contracts with shoulders coming forward, then back with hand styling

Kick, ball, touch, full turn triple/touch, shift weight R, weave & heel & cross:
1 & 2 Kick R foot forward, step down R, touch L toe to L side 6:00
& Full turn triple step to L: step down on L as you turn ¼ to L 3:00
3 Step back on your R as you turn ½ to L 9:00
& Step L side L as you turn ¼ to L 6:00
4 Touch R toe out to R side as you “plie” into your L knee—arms come up, over and down to L knee
5 Shift your weight to your R foot as your arms come up and over to the R and point L toe to L side
6 & 7 “Behind, side, cross”: Cross L foot behind the R, step R side R, cross L foot over the R
& 8 Step R side R, put L heel to side and slightly in front
& 1 Step down on the L slightly behind, cross R foot over the L with weight 6:00

¾ L turn hitch, ball, step “look” back & forward, forward triple full turn, toe switches:
2 Turn ¾ to the L as you “hitch” L knee up (slight forward upper body contraction) 9:00
& 3 Step down on L foot, then step R foot forward (weight is even on both feet)
& 4 “Quick” look ½ turn to L, then look forward ½ turn to R, weight shifts to R foot 9:00
5 & 6 Full turn triple to the R: Step L foot back as you turn ½ to R, step R side R as you turn ¼ to R, turn ¼ R and step L foot next to the R with weight 9:00
7 & 8 Touch R toe to R side, step R foot to center, touch L toe to L side 9:00

Step, touch, knee lift , “C” step ¼ turn R, 1/4 pivot turn R, toe touches & hitch, triple step forward:
& 1 Step L foot to center , touch R toe to R side 9:00
& 2 Lift R knee up and across L leg, touch R toe out to R side
& 3, 4 Lift R knee up and across into “C” step: R knee sweeps toward the L, comes up and around to the R as you turn ¼ to the R, step down onto the R 12:00
5 & 6 Step forward L, turn ¼ to the R as you transfer the weight onto the R Point L toe across and in front of the R 3:00
& 7 & Point L toe out to L side, point L toe to the front, hitch L knee up
8 & 1 Triple step forward L-R-L and begin dance again to new (3:00) wall

End of the dance…begin again…have fun!

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