CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phil Johnson (UK) - June 2009
We're All About That - Doug Stone : (CD: My Turn)
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Intro 32 counts (160 bpm). For Tracey

Grapevines Right, Hold and Left, Hold (moving forward to Right and Left Diagonals)
1-4 Step right to right side (slightly to right diagonal), step on left behind right, step right to right side (slightly to right diagonal), Hold;
5-8 Step on left to left side (slightly to left diagonal), step on right behind left, step on left to left side (slightly to left diagonal) Hold. (12 o’clock)

Grapevine Right with ¼ Turn Right, Hold. Step Left Forward, Pivot ½ Turn, Step Left Forward, Hold
9-12 Step Right to right side, cross step on left behind right, ¼ turn right stepping right forward, hold;
13-16 Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right, step left forward, hold. (9 o’clock)

Full Turn Left, Step Right Forward, Hold. Left Rocking Chair, Hold,
17-20 ½ turn left stepping back on right, ½ turn left stepping forward on left, step right forward, hold
21-24 Rock Forward on left, rock back onto right, step back on left, hold. (9 o’clock)

Right Coaster, Hold, Step Left forward, Pivot ¼ Right, Cross, Hold
25-28 Step back on right, step on left beside right, step forward on right, hold;
29-32 Step left forward, pivot ¼ turn right, cross step left in front of right, hold. (12 o’clock)
Restart here on walls 3 and 6 facing home wall

Weave ¾ Turn Right
33-40 Step right to right side, 1/8 turn right stepping left behind right, 1/8 turn right stepping right to right side, 1/8 turn right stepping left in front of right, 1/8 turn right stepping right to right side, 1/8 turn right stepping left behind right, 1/8 turn right stepping forward on right, hold (9 o’clock).

Strutting Left Jazz Box ¼ turning Left, Hold
41-48 Cross left toe over right, drop left heel down, Step back on right toe, drop right heel down, ¼ left step on left toe to left side, drop left heel down, Cross step right over left, hold. (6 o’clock).

Unwind ½ Turn Left with Heel Bounces. Step Right Forward, Pivot ½ Turn, Touch Right to Right Side, Hold
49-52 Bounce heels three times unwinding ½ turn left (weight on left), hold (12 o’clock);
53-56 Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, touch right to right side, hold. (6 o’clock).

Cross Point x 2. Right toe touches in out in
57-60 (moving forwards) Cross step right over left, touch left toe to left side, cross step left over right, touch right toe to right side;
61-64 Touch right toe beside left, touch right toe to right side, touch right toe beside left, hold.

Tag:- End of walls 2 and 5 (facing 12 o’clock wall) repeat last 8 counts

Restart:- Walls 3 and 6 (facing 12 o’clock) after count 32 restart dance from the Beginning – You will only dance the first 32 steps and then restart during each musical interlude in the track, so Dancers Tip…No singing - there must be a restart!!!

Sequence is:- Front wall, Back wall, Tag, Front wall to count 32, Front wall, Back wall, Tag, Front wall to count 32, Front wall, Back wall, Ending

So tags and restarts only on front wall – You can’t go wrong!!

Ending:- Facing front wall after count 60 stomp right foot forward, splay out hands and hold for the last three beats – Ta Dahhhhh.

CONTACT PHIL – 07989 176525
e-mail partyzone

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