Start 32 counts in, (Try this Contra)
(1-8) Step Hitch 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn Coaster Step, Rock & Rock &, Step 1/2 Turn Step
1&2 Step Rt fwd, Make 1/2 turn Rt on the Rt hitching Lt, Step Lt fwd
3&4 Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping back Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt fwd
5&6& Rock Lt fwd, Replace weight Rt, Rock Lt back, Replace weight Rt
7&8 Step Lt fwd, Make 1/2 turn Rt, Step Lt fwd
(9-16) And Step Together, Walk Back, Lt Lock Back, Rock Step
&12 Step Rt fwd, Step Lt fwd, Step Rt next to Lt
3,4 Step Lt back, Step Rt back
5&6 Step Lt back, Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step Lt back
7,8 Rock Rt back, Replace weight Lt
(17-24) Step 3/4 Spiral, Rock Replace & Step 1/4 Turn, Full Turn
1,2 Step Rt fwd, Pivot 3/4 turn Lt hooking Lt in front of Rt (Spiral)
3,4 Rock Lt to Lt, Replace Rt
&56 Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd
7,8 Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping Rt back, Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd
TAG: on 10th wall, You will be facing the back wall.
1 Touch Rt to Rt
2-4 Raise your arms out above your head
5 Pivot on Lt 1/2 turn Lt slowly bring arms down across your face (arms crossed)
6-8 Bring arms down and slightly out to sides
1 Pivot on Lt 1/2 turn Lt pointing Rt to Rt
2-4 Raise your arms out above your head
5 Pivot on Lt 1/2 turn Lt slowly bring arms down across your face (arms crossed)
6-8 Bring arms down and slightly out to sides (facing front wall)
Jo & John Kinser jo@jjkdancin.com / www.jjkdancin.com
Mark Furnell marksfurnell@yahoo.co.uk / www.freewebs.com/markfurnell
(1-8) Step Hitch 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn Coaster Step, Rock & Rock &, Step 1/2 Turn Step
1&2 Step Rt fwd, Make 1/2 turn Rt on the Rt hitching Lt, Step Lt fwd
3&4 Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping back Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt fwd
5&6& Rock Lt fwd, Replace weight Rt, Rock Lt back, Replace weight Rt
7&8 Step Lt fwd, Make 1/2 turn Rt, Step Lt fwd
(9-16) And Step Together, Walk Back, Lt Lock Back, Rock Step
&12 Step Rt fwd, Step Lt fwd, Step Rt next to Lt
3,4 Step Lt back, Step Rt back
5&6 Step Lt back, Cross Rt in front of Lt, Step Lt back
7,8 Rock Rt back, Replace weight Lt
(17-24) Step 3/4 Spiral, Rock Replace & Step 1/4 Turn, Full Turn
1,2 Step Rt fwd, Pivot 3/4 turn Lt hooking Lt in front of Rt (Spiral)
3,4 Rock Lt to Lt, Replace Rt
&56 Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd
7,8 Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping Rt back, Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd
TAG: on 10th wall, You will be facing the back wall.
1 Touch Rt to Rt
2-4 Raise your arms out above your head
5 Pivot on Lt 1/2 turn Lt slowly bring arms down across your face (arms crossed)
6-8 Bring arms down and slightly out to sides
1 Pivot on Lt 1/2 turn Lt pointing Rt to Rt
2-4 Raise your arms out above your head
5 Pivot on Lt 1/2 turn Lt slowly bring arms down across your face (arms crossed)
6-8 Bring arms down and slightly out to sides (facing front wall)
Jo & John Kinser jo@jjkdancin.com / www.jjkdancin.com
Mark Furnell marksfurnell@yahoo.co.uk / www.freewebs.com/markfurnell