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Reach Out!

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Shaz Walton (UK) - February 2009
Reach Out - Hilary Duff : (Single)
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***Please be aware there are many versions of this track- the one used for this dance is 4.15 and has a prominent break at 3.16

Count in – 16 counts- just after the lyrics “Lets Go” - x2 restarts

The first restart happens after 32 counts on the first wall.

¼. Kick.Ball.step. ¼ cross. ¼ back. Together. Kick. Step. Point.
1 Make a ¼ left taking the weight back on right foot.
2&3 Kick left forward. Step left beside right. Step right forward.
4-5-6 Make ¼ left- crossing left over right. Make ¼ left stepping back right. Step left foot back.
7&8 Kick right forward. Step right beside left. Point left to left side.

¼. Kick. Ball. Step. Forward. Cross ¼ . Side. Sailor ¼ right.
1 Make a ¼ left taking the weight back on right foot.
2&3 Kick left forward. Step left beside right. Step right forward.
4-5-6 Step forward left. Make ¼ turn right crossing right over left. Step left to left side.
7&8 Sailor ¼ turn right.

Rock back. Recover. Side . Touch. Diagonal forward. Touchx2.
1-2 Cross rock left behind right. Recover on right.
3-4 Step left to left side. Touch right beside left.
5-6 Step right to right diagonal (upper body faces left diagonal) touch left beside right.
7-8 Step left to left diagonal (upper body faces right diagonal) touch right beside left.
Dip counts 5 & 7 – attitude!

Ball step. ½ pivot. Cross. Unwind ½. Sweep. Sailor ½ . Side. Dip. Heel drag.
&1-2 Step right beside left. Step left forward. Make ½ pivot turn right.
3-4-5 Cross left over right. Unwind ½ turn right (weight ends left) sweep right foot out.
6&7 Sailor ½ turn right.
8 Take a big step to left as you drag right foot to left with heel on floor & toes raised.
**Restart here on wall 1 – Bring right foot completely to left (weight central) to restart the dance**

Ball. Cross dip. Rise. Cross rock. Recover. ¼. ½ . ¼ Side shuffle.
&1-2 Step right beside left. Cross step left over right as you dip. Step right to side as you raise up.
3-4 Cross left over right as you dip & rock . Recover on right.
5-6 Step left ¼ left. ½ turn left stepping back right.
7&8 Make a ¼ left as you step left to left. Step right beside left. Step left to left.

Cross. Hold. ¼ back. Back. Forward. Press. Hold. Back. Back forward.
1-2 Cross right over left. Hold.
&3-4 Make ¼ right stepping back left. Step back right. Step forward left.
5-6 Press right forward. Hold
&7-8 Step back left. Step back right. Step forward left.

Lunge side (with shoulders) Ball cross. Point. ¼ Roll. Sit. Back. Walk. Walk.
1-2 Step right to right as you lunge to right – lifting left leg to left
(And rolling shoulders to right ending with right shoulder raised – optional)
&3-4 Step left beside right. Cross right over left. Point left to left.
5-6 Roll hips anti-clockwise making ¼ left – sit over right hip – weight on right.
&7-8 Step back on left. Step forward right. Step forward left. **2nd restart here after holding for 2 counts **

Cross. Hold. ¼ forward. ¼ cross. Rock. Recover. Cross. point.
1-2 Cross right over left. Hold.
&3-4 Step left ¼ left. Step right to side making ¼ left. Cross left over right.
5-6 Rock right to right side. Recover left
7-8 cross step right over left. Touch left to left side.

Restart - wall 7 dance up to count 56 - hold for 2 counts.................start the dance again from count 1.
You will restart the dance facing the back wall.

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