CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Chiki Chiki

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David Spencer (UK) - February 2009
Chiki Chiki - Carlos Baute : (CD: Peligroso)
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Intro: 16 count intro - Start on vocals

R Kick Out Out, Travelling Applejacks Left, Monterey 1/2 Turn Right, L Rock & Cross.
1 & 2 Kick R forward. Small step on R to R side. Small step on L to L Side.
(Feet should now be shoulder width part with weight on R toe & L heel)
3 & 4 Swivel L toe and R heel to L. Swivel R toe and L heel to L. Swivel L toe and R heel to L.
5 – 6 Point R toe to R side. Make 1/2 turn R stepping R beside L.
7 & 8 Rock L to L side. Recover back on R. Cross L over R. [6.00]
Easier option for counts 3 & 4 in section 1
3 & 4 Swivel both heels, toes, heels to the left (weight ends on L foot)

Touch Out-In Step, L Sailor Step, Cross 1/4 Turn 1/4 Turn Cross.
1 & Touch R toe to R. Touch R toe next to L.
2 Step R long step to R while dragging L towards R.
3 & 4 Cross L behind R. Step R to R side. Step L to L Side.
5 – 6 Cross R over L. Turn 1/4 turn R stepping back on L.
7 – 8 Turn 1/4 turn R stepping R to R side. Cross L over R [12.00]

R Side Rock, Triple Full Turn R, L Forward Rock, L Shuffle 1/2 Turn L.
1 – 2 Rock R to R side. L. Recover back on L.
3 & 4 Triple step full turn R on the spot stepping R-L-R.
5 – 6 Rock forward on L. Recover back on R.
7 & 8 Shuffle 1/2 turn L stepping L-R-L. [6.00]

R & L Toe Touches. R Lock Step forward, L Forward Rock, Triple 3/4 Turn L.
1&2& Touch R toe forward. Close R next to L. Touch L toe forward. Close L next to R.
3 & 4 Step forward R. Lock L behind R. Step forward R.
5 – 6 Rock forward on L. Recover back on R.
7 & 8 Triple 3/4 turn L on the spot stepping L-R-L.

TAG: At the end of wall 2 (facing 6.00), wall 6 (9.00) and wall 9 (12.00) Hip Bumps
1 – 2 Stepping R to R bump hips R. Bump hips L.

RESTART: During wall 4 after 16 counts (facing 3.00), start dance again from beginning.

On final wall (wall 12) change 3/4 turn L to triple full turn L to end facing front. Alternatively as it’s a fairly long track, feel free to fade it out earlier!

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