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One Last Kiss

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Phrased Improver
Marilyn Ericson (AUS) - September 2008
One Last Kiss - Billy "Crash" Craddock
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Start on "Kiss"

Dance Sequence: AA BB A BB A B

A Section: 32 Bts; B Section 16 Bts

Section A
Step Lock, Shuffle X 2
1,2,3&4 Step R foot fwd lock L behind R, step fwd on R, step L together,step fwd on R
5,6,7&8 Step L foot fwd, lock R behind L, step fwd on L, step R together, step fwd on L.

Side Rock And Sailor Step X 2
1,2,3&4 Rock R foot to R side and recover on L, step R behind L step on L to side, step on R.
5,6.7&8 Rock L foot to L side recover on R, step L behind R, step on R to side, step on L

Step Back, Step Fwd, Fwd ,Point, Fwd Point
1-6 Step back on R foot, step fwd on L (recover) Step fwd on R, point L toe to side step fwd on L, point R toe to side.

Cross Rock, Shuffle 2 Half Turns
1,2,3&4 Cross R foot over L foot recover on L and shuffle R,L,R in a half turn to back
5&6 Then shuffle L,R,L in a half turn to front (full circle). Make sure weight is on R foot after shuffle. (refer to first heading on how to do shuffle)

Hip Sways
1-4 Do four hip sways R hip, L hip, R hip L hip.

Section B
Vine - Figure Of Eight
1 -12 Step R foot to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side with a 1/4 turn Step L fwd 1/2 pivot, L fwd with a 1/4 turn.
Step R behind L, step to L side with a 1/4 turn, Step R fwd 1/2 pivot, Step R fwd with a 1/4 turn, step L behind R, step R to R side.

Hip Sways
1-4 Sway hips R, L, R, L

Finish dance on Hip Sways of section B (6 Sways- to end of music)

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