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I Can't Stop Loving You

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Johann Olafsson (ICE) - October 2008
I Can't Stop Loving You - Keith Urban : (CD: Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy Thing)
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Intro: 48

Back, Back Cross, Back Twinkle Turning ¼ Left
1-6 Step left back, step right back, cross left in front of right, step right back, turning ¼ left step left to side on toe, recover to right (face 9:00)

Behind, Side Close, Forward Twinkle Step Turning ¼ Right
1-6 Cross left behind right, step right to side, close left to right putting full weight on left, step forward right, turning ¼ right step left to side on toe, recover onto right (face 12:00)

Forward Twinkle Step, Right Sailor Turning Complete Turn Right
1-6 Step left forward and across right, step right to side on toe, recover onto left, cross right behind left, turn½ right step left to side, turn ½ right step right in place (face 12:00)

(Side, Behind, Replace) x2
1-6 Step left to side, cross right behind left, recover left forward, step right to side, cross left behind right, recover right forward

Back, Side Turning ¼ Right, Touch, Forward, Flick, Cross
1-6 Step left back, turn ¼ right and step right to the side, touch left together, step left forward, flick right forward, step right across and in front of left (face 3:00)

Back, Side Turning ¼ Right, Touch, Forward, Flick, Cross
1-6 Repeat section 5 (end facing 6:00)

Behind Twinkle Step x2
1-6 Cross left behind right, step right to side on toe, recover to left, cross right behind left, step left to side, recover to right

Behind, Ronde, Behind, Forward, Forward, Touch
1-6 Cross left behind right, swing right leg around on 2 to end behind left on 3, step left forward, step right forward, touch left on toe behind right


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